19. Taking control

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Me and Dominic haven't had sex since my punishment. So I wanted to try something new tonight.

"I want to be in control." I say walking over to him.

He didn't answer just looked at me with lust in his eyes. I stopped in between his legs. I pushed him back so he was laying on the bed. I climbed on top of him. I kissed him while grinding slightly on his crotch. I could already feel him hard. He was about to grab my breasts when I stopped him.

"No touching." I said grinding on him faster. He groaned. I placed soft kisses on his neck making him groan even more. I sat up and tugged his shirt off. I started placing kisses along his abs. Making his breathing go even heavier.

"I swear to god if you don't stop teasing me." He grumbled. I yanked his pants off to reveal his rock hard dick. I grabbed it in my hands and swirled my tongue around his tip licking the little bit of pre-cum. His mouth opened as he threw his head back. I licked up and down not missing a spot with my tongue. I took as much as could of him in my mouth. The tip of his cock hitting the back of my throat. I relaxed my throat taking more of him in my mouth. I started bobbing my head up and down. I heard low groans come from Dominic as he was about to cum. I stopped.

I got up and started to strip. I slowly pulled the lingerie off in a teasing way. I positioned myself back on him and slowly sat all the way down on his cock. I moaned as I slowly went up and down. I picked up my speed making both me and Dominic moan. I kept a fast pace until I felt myself about to cum. I came which also sent Dominic over the edge. We both came together. When I came down from my high I got off of Dominic and collapsed next to him. I could here his heavy breathing as he tried to speak.

"We should do that more often." He said with a smirk trying to catch his breath.

"We should." I said cuddling up to him. After a bit we both fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing. I crawled off of Dominic who was lightly snoring. I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I asked sleepily.

"Hey how are you butterfly?" Derek asked.

"I'm good." I said. Dominic rustled around and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Good morning sexy." He said kissing my neck. I quickly jumped up as Derek cleared his throat on the phone.

"Okay Bailee I'm gonna go. Have a good day and be safe butterfly I love you." Derek said.

"I love you too and I will." I said quietly. We both hung up as I turned back to look at Dominic who looked confused.

"My brother heard you call me sexy." I said laying back down.

"Ohh who cares." He said.

"They do!" I said laughing.

He pulled me into a kiss. "Not my fault your sexy." He said winking.

I shook my head getting up. I grabbed my brush and started brushing through my hair. I looked back at Dominic who was texting away on his phone. My smile left my face.

It's probably just a friend.

But what if it's madison?

"Stop overthinking, it's just Maya." Dominic said showing me his messages. It was Maya. I put my head down in embarrassment. He reached out his hands and grabbed my waist.

"I would never cheat on you." He said in my ear placing soft kisses on my earlobes.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you pretty girl."

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