6. Mistakes

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I woke up still in Dominic's arms. I slowly got up looking at the time. I'm running late! I roughly wake up Dominic. He turns over groaning. "Hurry get up we're gonna be late!" I yell. Which he laughed at. I run to my closet and change.

Once I'm done I see Dominic leaning in the doorway. Of course he watched me. He had a huge smirk on his face. I walked up to him and he grabbed my chin lightly bending down to my face giving me a gentle kiss. "I don't have time for this Dom" I say walking away. I didn't even have time to eat so I dragged Dominic to the car.

When we got to school we separated because I wanted to get my books from my locker. I walked to my class and I saw Dominic and a girl Madison talking outside the classroom. Madison is known for being a hoe. So I decided to listen. They were flirting.

I felt a huge pit in my stomach and a pain in my chest. Was I really just a hookup? I snapped out of my thoughts and decided that I wasn't going to miss class over him. So I stormed past them into the classroom. I sat down and he sat down next to me. He tried putting his hand on my thigh but I pushed his hand away. He looked at me with a confused look but didn't try again.

The rest of that class we didn't talk. At the end as I was walking out to go to my next class he stopped me. "See you after school pretty girl." He said with a smirk. I just walked away. I was not going to see him after school. I wasn't going to let him play me.

After school I was so relieved that it was over because all I wanted to do was go home and cry. As I was walking to my car I saw Dominic leaning on it. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk passed him to get into the car. He stopped me by grabbing my arm. Gently but firmly. "Why are you ignoring me?" He said confused. "Go ask Madison." I said as I rolled my eyes and snapped my arm back so I was out of his grasp. I got into my car and drove away. I felt the tears building up in my eyes. Finally when I got home I let the sob come out. I was foolish for thinking Dominic actually liked me.



"Go ask Madison." Bailee said harshly. But I could tell she was hurt more than anything. She drove off before I could stop her. Shit. I didn't think she heard me talking to Madison. Madison was an ex hookup. I didn't like her at all. I needed to get my mind back in focus so I flirted with her. But now I realize that I made a huge mistake. I usually wouldn't care if I got caught flirting with another girl. But Bailee is different. I hate to admit it but I think I'm falling for her. But now I need to fix this.

I decided that I should let her cool off for the night. It hurts the hell out of me knowing that
she's hurt. Especially because I'm the reason. When I got home I walked to my room and slammed the door shut. I didn't want to talk to anyone but Bailee.



I sat on my bed sobbing into my pillow. My heart breaking more and the more I think about Dominic. All those passionate kisses were they just to make me think he liked me? I hope I never see him again. Even though I knew deep down that was a lie. But I sure as hell wasn't going to let him play me.


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