2. The hangout

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I wake up to the sound of my parents fighting as usual. I get up rolling my eyes. It's 7:30. But I don't care if I'm late. I shower and get ready. I remember that I get to hangout with Bailee later after school. I don't know what it is about her that makes me want to know everything. I've never really cared about girls as most of them were basic and weren't interesting at all. I actually look forward to seeing Bailee. I also can't wait to get to know more about her.

I arrive at school and meet Spencer outside. Spencer has been my best friend from 1st grade. He's the only person I've opened up to and he knows everything about my life. He's a funny dude and when I told him about me and Bailee hanging out he was excited. I told him it was nothing more than me being curious. Of course he didn't believe me. "Hey Spence" I said.

"Hey" he said giving me a look. Which I couldn't read until he said, "so are you excited for your hangout with Bailee?"

"No, it's just casual." I lie.

"Mhm." He says not believing me. I roll my eyes and walk into the building. Throughout the day I couldn't pay attention because I had Bailee in my mind. Not that I ever pay attention anyway but I just don't understand why I couldn't stop thinking about her. After school ended I put my bag in my car and walked over to Bailee's. She always took a few minutes to come out. I wait for her on my phone texting Spencer. When I look up she's walking towards me with a shy smile. I have to admit she's gorgeous. "Ready to go?" I say.

"Sure" she says looking down. I wish I could make her look at me but I don't want to come on too strong. Not yet at least. She's the only girl that makes me think about what I do or say. I don't want to say or do the wrong thing. I've never cared about what people think about me. But I did with her.

"Follow me." I say as I walk her to my car. I open the door for her as she gets in. I get it and start driving to a park that not many people go to.

"So how was your day?" She says.

"Uneventful. How was yours?"

"It was good." She's still looking down. I can tell she's nervous.

"You don't have to be nervous." I say trying to calm her.

"I'm not." She says as she looks at me. I can tell she forced herself to look at me. I laugh a little. We pull up to the park and I get out. She gets out too and I lead her under a tree. She sits down and I make sure to sit close to her. Not too close to where she's uncomfortable but I wanted to be close to her. We talk a bit about what happened in class today and then we decided to walk around a bit. I noticed that she was a bit more comfortable.

She went on a rant about how annoying a teacher was and I just looked at her admiring her. She was beautiful even when she was annoyed. I decided to hold her hand and I expected her to pull away like last time but instead she smiled. She looked embarrassed a bit so I ask, "is this okay?"

"Yes." She answers looking up at me with a small smile.

It was starting to get late because we've been talking for about two hours. It started to feel so natural to talk to her. We could talk about anything and it would be entertaining. "It's dinner time. Do you want to get something to eat? Or do you have plans?" I ask as I don't want to stop hanging out just yet.

"No I don't have any dinner plans."

"Then let's go out. I'll pay." I say. I wink and she giggles. Another thing that makes me like her. Her laugh was so beautiful.

"How could I say no." She says and smiles at me. I like that she's starting to be more comfortable with me.

We decided on Olive Garden. We walk in and sit down. We sat close to each other to the point where our arms were touching. We both order and Bailee breaks the silence by saying, "I've never been here before."

"Really? My dad used to take me here every weekend." I say.

"Used to? What happened?" She says with a confused look.

"He stopped caring." I say looking down. I don't like to talk about my parents much because they don't care about me anymore. I wondered why I just told her that because now she probably thinks I feel bad for myself.

"I'm sorry." She says looking down. I instantly feel bad as I feel like I made her uncomfortable.

"No don't please. It's okay." I say as I put my hand on her thigh without realizing it. But I noticed her breathing gets heavier. I look and she has a small smile on her face which tells me she likes it. So I keep my hand there. The moment gets interrupted when the waitress comes and gives us our food. We eat and just talk about random stuff. Whenever she laughs I get this feeling of joy. That I haven't gotten in a long time. Just being with her makes me happy. She's already getting a lot more comfortable with me and that makes me want to open up to her more.

After we are done eating I pay and we get in my car. "Do you want to go watch the sunset or do you want to go home?" I ask hoping she says she wants to watch the sunset. I still don't want the night to end.

"I love sunsets. We should watch the sunset." She says with a smile.

I drive up to a field and the whole car ride is pretty much silent. Besides her saying what kinds of sunsets she likes. I like listening to her talk. Especially about things she was passionate about. We get to the field and I sit down and tell her to lay down with her head on my lap. She lays down and we watch the sunset. It's pretty tonight. It's pink and blue.

It doesn't take long for Bailee to get tired. "Do you want to spend the night at my house?" I ask.

"yeah sure." She says while yawning. We walk to my car. I drive to my house and walk her in. The rest of my family is already asleep. Thank god. Nobody better fight while she's here. I walk her up to my room. "I can sleep on the floor if you would like." I say.

"No it's okay." She says while smiling beautifully. She lays down and i join her. She rolls over after a bit and puts her head on my chest. "I had a lot of fun today." She said looking up at me.

"Me too." I say. I want to kiss her but I don't know if that's what she wants too. I just go for it and kiss her lightly on her lips. I pull away and she looks at me with a small smile before kissing me back. It was a passionate kiss that made me forget everything. I've never felt this before. After the kiss she lays her head back down and I play with her hair a bit until she falls asleep. I just look at her not wanting to go to sleep because I want to stay in this moment forever. Eventually I end up falling asleep too.

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