11. Mine.

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Dominic kisses my neck while I moan loudly. This man has such a strong effect on my body. He walked us over to the bed. He ripped my pants off of me and then my underwear. "Get on your hands and knees. Now." He said.

I got on my hands and knees while Dominic went and grabbed something. He walked back over to me. "Count and thank me." He said as he landed whatever was in his hands hard on my ass. It was a belt.

"One, thank you master."

After 30 hits with the belt he stopped and rubbed my ass softly with his hand. Then he flipped me over and smashed his lips into mine. He moved down and placed a kiss on my clit which made me moan loudly. "No moaning." He said harshly.

He licked in between my folds. He sucked my clit while I fought back my loud screams of pleasure. Every time I made a noise he slapped my pussy hard. There was spit all over my folds. He didn't care if he made a mess. I tried wiggling out of his hold but he tightened his grip on my waist. I was about to cum.

"Pleas- please!" I said begging.

"No don't cum yet." He said. My thighs were now shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't hold it much longer.

"Please master!! I can't hold it anymore!" I said desperately.

"Cum." He said. I let myself moan out loudly and my legs were shaking even more. I gripped the sheets as hard as I could. He didn't give me a break. He kept sucking and licking my folds. Finally he got up and took his pants off along with his underwear. His hard cock sprung out. My pussy was throbbing.

He pulled me to the edge of the bed and spread my legs. He thrusted hard into me making me scream out because of the pain and pleasure. He kept thrusting hard. I moaned loudly.

"Do I have to gag you slut?" He said. The nickname made me clench around his cock which was now going faster.

"N-no master." I struggled to say. Now I fought back my moans once again. He groaned as he kept thrusting in and out harder each time. I knew he was getting close and so was I. He threw his head back and I did the same. He came deep inside me. The feeling sent me over the edge. Our groans and moans filled the room.

He pulled out and collapsed next to me. We were both out of breath. He leaned over to me and planted a kiss on my lips. "Let's go shower." He said as he stood up. I tried to stand up but failed. Which just made Dominic laugh his ass off. "Shut up!" I said with an angry face on.

"Oh come on." Dominic said as he picked me up bridal style. When we got into the bathroom he set me down on the toilet while he turned on the shower. He helped me up by my hand and walked me into the shower. I smiled as the warm water ran down my body. It was refreshing after being all sweaty.

Dominic washed my body as I could barely stand up. The water was helping a bit but I knew tomorrow I was going to be very sore. After we were done washing we both stepped out of the shower and Dominic handed me a towel to dry off with. After I was dry I went to his closet to borrow some of his clothes. I picked out a t-shirt which was way to big for me but it worked. It was so long it was practically a dress on me so I didn't bother to even put pants on.

Suddenly we heard the front door open and voices entering the house.

"Time for you to meet my family." Dominic said with a smirk.


I'm working on another book ;) hehe

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