12. Santos family

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Dominic walks me down the stairs. My heart is racing. What if they don't like me? When we reach the bottom of the steps. His parents look at me confused. "This is Bailee my girlfriend." Dominic said.

"Omg! It's so nice to meet you! I'm Maya Dominic's sister." Maya said while she pulled me into a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said with a huge smile. Thank god she's nice.

"Wow I never thought Dominic would be the dating type." Mr. Santos said rudely.

Dominic put his arm around my waist holding me tightly. I could tell my his clenched jaw he was holding back from flipping out.

"Don't mind my husband. I'm glad my son has found someone he cares about." Mrs. Santos said with a warm smile. I smiled back then looked down.

"Are you guys hungry?" Maya asked. Dominic nodded still holding me close. He walked me over to the kitchen with maya. He sat down on a stool at the island in the middle of the kitchen. Their kitchen is huge.

Dominic pulled me onto his lap snuggling his head in my neck. He had both of his hands on my thighs holding me up on his lap.

Maya put together a salad for the three of us and sat down. "So how did you guys meet?" She asked. "Bailee bumped into me on her way to class. Then ever since then I've been trying to win her over." Dominic said with a grin looking down at me. I blushed madly at his stare.

"Aweee! Me and you are going to be best friends!" Maya said excitingly. I smiled brightly. My phone went off and it was Jason. Dominic looked down and gave me a death stare.

I Ignored the text and set my head on Dominic's chest. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my head. Then someone's phone started ringing. I look around to see whose phone it was and it was maya's. "Sorry I have to go but it was super nice meeting you Bailee." She said quickly.

"It was nice to meet you too." I said with a smile. She walked out of the room answering the phone.

"Does your dad not like me?" I asked referring to the rude remark Mr. Santos made. I could feel his body tense up. Which made me turn around so I was straddling him. I placed a kiss on his lips which made him calm down a bit. He pt his lips on my lower back holding me close to his body.

Dominic sighed. "It's not that he doesn't like you he just doesn't believe I'll ever find love or succeed in anything." He said shrugging.

"What why?" I said.

"That's just how he is."

"I'm sorry." I said looking down.

"Don't be sorry. You make me happy. You are the last person that should be sorry baby." He said. He lifted my chin up lightly with his hand. He kissed me passionately.

"I love you." I said quietly.

"I love you too."


Y'all go check out the first chapter of my new book ;)

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