23. Stepping up

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Today is the day. I gave myself three days to think and to decide. I need to step up because if I don't then I'll be just like my father. This is what I want to do. I want Bailee and our child. I love them.

I got in the car and drove to her house. She's been messaging me the past few days but I haven't answered. I know I seem like a piece of shit but this is a big thing and I needed time. When I arrived at her house I messaged Spencer that I got to her house. He wants updates after everything that happens.

I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard footsteps approach the door.

Please don't be Jacob.

It wasn't Jacob but it wasn't much better. Derek opened the door and looked a bit shocked to see me but then got angry.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Haven't you hurt my sister enough?" He gritted through his teeth.

"I'm here to step up and I'm sorry I didn't before. I never meant to hurt Bailee. I was selfish I know but now I'm here." I said.

He stepped aside and told me she's in her room. I walked up the stairs and stood outside her door. I took a deep breath then knocked.

"Come in." She said quietly.

I walked in and saw Bailee cuddled up on her bed. She had her eyes closed and was laying on her back with her legs bent.

"Hey." I said.

Her eyes shot open and landed on me. She instantly sat up and looked at me in my eyes. Her eyes started watering like she was about to cry. I walked over to her and sat on the bed.

"Don't cry." I said rubbing her check with my thumb.

"Why did you ignore me?" She asked sniffling.

"I was overwhelmed and needed time to think. Bailee I was scared. I have no clue how to be a dad. I never had a role model of a dad. I don't want to hurt my kid just because I don't know how to be a dad." I said.

"I understand but you could've talked to me about it instead of just hanging up." She said as tears started streaming down her cheeks. I pulled her in my lap so she was straddling me.

"I know. I'm a shitty person for that and I admit it was wrong. But I'm here now for good. I promise." I said.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more."

"Impossible." She said with a grin.

God I missed her smile. I missed her touch, her voice, her everything. I'm obsessed with this woman. I can never get enough of her.

"I'm so happy your back." She mumbled against my chest.

"Me too." I said.

I rubbed her back softly until I heard light snores. I set her down on the bed and crawled in next to her. I looked at her and brushed a few strands of hair out of her face.

She's perfect.


So the book is coming to an end. I just have to do the epilogue!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for 7k reads! That's insane and I never would have thought that I would get that many reads. I'm so grateful. I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I did! <3 have a great day!

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