21. Stomach virus?

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This is the fourth time I've thrown up. Every morning I feel nauseous and throw up. I think I have a stomach virus of some sort. Even though after I throw up I feel fine.

"Dominic I'm fine I promise." I say.

Dominic has been babying me and as sweet as it is I'm sick of it. He won't let me do anything just lay down and eat soup.

"You're sick let me take care of you." He said with a stern look.

"No!" I yelled.

I got up pushing him aside. I looked back to him raising his eyebrow. I've been having really bad mood swings also lately making me lash out of Dominic for no reason. I felt really bad.

"Bring me to my brothers please." I said.

"I made you that mad?" He asked with a look of sadness.

"Your staying with me I just want a new room to look at." I said reassuring him.

We walked out of his house and got into the car. He started it up and I connected my phone to Bluetooth. I put on "Good as hell" by Lizzo. I yelled the lyrics until we reached my brothers house.

When Dominic stopped in front of Jacob's house he looked at a text on his phone.

"Shit. Babe I have to go help Spencer with something. I'm sorry." He says.

"It's okay. I love you." I said pecking his lips. He pulled me in to kiss me more passionately.

"I love you pretty girl." He said. I blushed.

I stepped out of the car and waved bye to Dominic. I walked into Jacob's house and went to the living room where I heard the television. Derek was sitting on the couch watching the television closely. I cleared my throat to make my presence known. His head shot up and he smiled.

"Hey butterfly sorry didn't hear you come in." Derek said.

I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the other couch.

"Why did you roll your eyes?" He asked.

"I don't know I'm sorry I've had major mood swings lately." I said m.

"Have you gotten sick more?"

"Yup every morning." I answered.

"So you've been getting sick every morning and have mood swings. Doesn't that mean a baby?" He asked.

I choked on air. I didn't even think about that but it's impossible. Well it's not impossible but I can't be pregnant. I'm too young and how would Dominic react if I was? But it doesn't matter because I'm not.

"That's crazy. I'm not pregnant." I said.

"You should check." He said.


"I'll take you right now." Derek said getting up.

"Okay." I said hesitantly. I got up slowly and walked behind Derek into the car. The drive to the store was incredibly silent all you could hear was the car on the road. We got to the store and my anxiety is sky rocketing.

Derek opened the store door for me and I headed directly to the pregnancy tests.

This is embarrassing.

I grabbed a pack of two and look at Derek. He shook his head and grabbed three more boxes.

"We don't need that many Derek." I said.

"Well some of them don't work so just to be safe."

We walked up to the counter and set all the tests down. The lady looked down at the tests then looked at me. My hands started sweating.

This is stressful as fuck.

She finally scanned them all and Derek shot her a dirty look and grabbed them all. We walked to the car and as soon as we got in Derek started the car. We sped home. As soon as we got home I peed in a cup. I definitely had to pee because of my nerves.

I opened up the box of pregnancy tests and started dipping them in. I dipped two of the tests in to start. I put the tests back in the box so I wouldn't look. I set a timer for three minutes. Derek was standing next to me for support.

The timer went off and I instantly grabbed the box. I looked at Derek and he nodded lightly. I took a deep breath and grabbed one of the tests.

It said pregnant. I grabbed the other one and it said pregnant.

Holy shit I'm pregnant.

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