10. Jason?

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I woke up and found Dominic looking at me. "What?" I asked him.

"Your just gorgeous." He said giving me a kiss. I loved his kisses. They were so soft but rough and so passionate. I got up and got ready for school. Dominic is gonna drive me today. Today's Friday so after we are going to his house. We got in Dominic's car and when we got to school we went our own ways because we didn't have first period together today. When I sat down in class a familiar boy sits next to me. Jason.

"Hey Bailee." He said with a big smile on his face. Wow his smile is breathtaking. Stop Bailee you have a boyfriend now.

"Hey." I said returning the smile.

"So I was thinking, would you want to go out to lunch or something?" He said looking into my eyes. Those eyes were perfect too.

"I have a boyfriend. Im sorry." I said.

"Oh no as friends." He says laughing. That's awkward.

"Then sure."

"Okay great. Sunday?"

"Sounds good." I said. We focused back on the teacher but I'm nervous because I know Dominic is going to flip out when he finds out. It's fine. I can still be friends with who I want.

At lunch I went out to Dominic's car to meet him and his friend Spencer. When I got there Dom was sitting on the hood of the car and Spencer was leaning on a car next to Dominic's. "Hey guys." I said waving.

"Hey." Spencer said.

"Hey baby." Dom said. I walked over and sat next to Dominic. He snuggled me into his neck. We sat there for awhile just eating until I decided to tell him about Jason. I thought he wouldn't be as mad if Spencer was there. "So I have plans with Jason Sunday." I said trying to not look at Dominic's face.

"What do you mean?" Dominic asked.

"He asked me to go to lunch with him. As friends." I said. Dominic moved his lips to my ear and whispered, "we will talk about this later." He gritted through his teeth.

Lunch was over at the perfect time. After school I met Dominic in his car. I could tell by his clenched jaw he was pissed at me. He didn't speak a word to me on the drive to his house. When we got there he said, "go up to my room. Now. I'll meet you up there." I ran up the stair to his room. When I entered I got hit with his smell. I loved it. I sat down on his bed and looked around. His room was pretty clean. After a few minutes he walked in. He grabbed me by my throat gently but firmly.

"Your not going to see Jason Sunday." He said harshly. Which just angered me.

"Yes I am. You don't decide who I can be friends with." I said. He pinned me up against the wall by my neck. He grabbed both my wrists and held my hands above my head with his available hand. He kissed me harshly while biting my lip.

He removed his hand from my neck and grabbed the back of my thigh. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Feeling his hard on which made a pool form in my underwear. He started kissing down my neck which made me moan loudly.

"Your mine." He said in between kisses.


Get ready for a smut filled chapter tomorrow;)

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