Chapter 3

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When we arrive to Kirova's office, one of the other guardians knock before we hear a small, "come in."

Going into the room and sitting down, I am faced with a shocked expression on her face. She finally steps out of her stupor a couple seconds later and glares at me.

"Mrs. Hathaway, why do you have a stroller with you?" she says, trying to sound sweet but I hear the jab.

Just leaning back casually in my seat, I say, "Well, it's rather obvious, isn't it? I have a daughter."

She looks at me before shaking her head. "No matter. We can just send the young girl away and you can continue your education here. Who knows, maybe you'll become Princess Vasilisa's guardian once you graduate."

Now, it was my turn to glare at her. "My daughter is not going anywhere. I either stay here with her or we both will leave."

"Well, then maybe your best bet would be at a blood whore commune." She says with a smirk.

I opened my mouth to say something but Dimitri cuts in. "Headmistress Kirova. There must be some way to accommodate her daughter here."

"There is none. Who is going to care for the child during the school days? I highly doubt that that is something Rosemarie would do, especially with the shame she would be filled with if everybody knew."

"I don't care about what other think of me. I would be more than willing to take her with me to classes." I said, but neither of them heard me.

They both continue to argue back and forth. Dimitri fight for my side and Kirova trying to explain why I should leave. After about thirty minutes, I zone back in after hearing the word fine.

Kirova says, "During your schedule, if you are not working and it is during the school day, I expect you to watch over that baby. Not only that, but because Rosemarie missed a lot of her lessons, you will also be expected to give her private lessons. I don't care when you do them as long as it is twice a day."

Dimitri freezes and I almost think that he was going to say no, until he say, "I'll do it."

"Good. Now escort her to her room. And I expect you, Rosemarie, to start school tomorrow."

I groaned before standing up to leave with Dimitri. The walk was silent and once we got into the room, the crib and the blankets were already assembled. Showing a look of surprise, I quickly hide it before setting Adira in her crib.

Turning around, I see that Dimitri was still there. "Thank you."

"It's really no problem." He says before leaving, though I stop him.

"Umm, do you know how to convert a baby to the nocturnal schedule. Ever since she we born, we have always been on the human one and I don't know what to do." I said sheepishly.

"Try to keep her up this entire night. Then she will be exhausted enough to sleep through daytime. It might take a couple tries, but since she took a nap in the plane, I think she should be good." Dimitri's says before taking his leave.

I sit down on my bed, looking where Adira is about to fall asleep. So much for her being good. Standing back up, I pick her up from the crib before changing her diaper and putting her in this Momma's Bada** onesie. Trying to think of something that might keep her awake, I decide to take a walk to the Guardian building to say hi to Guardian Petrov. To be honest, she was more of a mom to me than my actual one, Janine.

The walk only took about five minutes and once I enter the building, I go straight to the front desk.

"Hello miss. Is Guardian Petrov in her office?" The lady looks up from her computer, staring at me weirdly.

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