Chapter 30

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Once the meeting was concluded, Dimitri offered to walk me back to my dorm. We were about to walk out the room when the lady with the face scars says something. "Dimka! It's been a while. How have you been?" What the hell?

"I've been well. How are you, Tasha?" Dimitri politely responds.

"I've been good. I'm actually here on a vacation. I teach a martial arts class in the human world."

"Oh, you're Christian's aunt right?" I ask,, finally putting the pieces together.

She nods. "Yes, I am. You're friends with my nephew, right? I'm glad that he is finally starting to socialize more. I have yet to see him, though. I might have to go searching for him."

"Oh, he should be back in his room. Our rooms are right next to each other so you are welcome to walk with us." I offer and she accepts.

Dimitri takes the stroller from me and we begin walking to the dormitories. Tasha immediately begins talking to him again. "So, what are you doing now, Dimka?"

"Well, I'm working at St. Vladimir Academy as a guard right now." He says.

"Wow. Montana is pretty far from Russia. You must miss your family." Tasha says, lightly brushing his arm with her hand.

I narrow my eyes slightly at where her hand was. "So, Lady Ozera, how do you know Guardian Belikov?"

"Please, call me Tasha. We actually met when Dimka just graduated from his academy. He was there for the aftermath of Christian's parents coming to take him back. That's what the scars are from if you were wondering. When they came for Christian, they attacked me."

"Christian is lucky to have you."

We made it back to the dorms and I stood in front of Christian's door. I knocked a few times but when there was no answer, I turned the knob. The door was unlocked and I opened the door to see if Christian was in the room. He was...but so was Adrian. I saw a shirtless Christian and Adrian on top of each other while making out on the bed. Immediately, I shut the door so that Tasha and Dimitri would not be able to see what was going on.

I turn to look at them and I was sure that my cheeks were red. "Christian is sleeping right now. You are free to hang out in my room while I wake him up. Since it is almost time for dinner, I'm sure he will be upset if I let him sleep for too long." I gave Dimitri my keys and watched them enter my room.

Once the door was closed, I barged into Christian's room. Taking me shoe off, I throw one right at them and they separate right away, both breathing heavily. Both of their shirts were lying by the couch and I pick it up before tossing it to them.

"What the hell, Rose?!" Christian yells, trying to button up his shirt quickly while Adrian took his time.

I glare at them. "Your aunt wanted to visit you. She's in my room right now. Be glad that I was the one who opened the door and not her."

"Aunt Tasha? Shit." Adrian and Christian were both fully dressed by now.

"Adrian, you should go back to your place. Unless you want to explain to Tasha why you were with her nephew." He leaves the room in a rush and then it was just me and Christian.

"Do I look presentable?" Christian asks and I look him over before spotting a noticeable hickey on his neck.

"You have a hickey. Do you have a scarf or anything?" He just shakes his head.

I take a deep breath. "Well then. You are going to have to see your aunt like that. Maybe she won't notice."

"She has eyes like a hawk. Of course she will notice." Even as he said that, he walks out of the room and I follow.

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