Chapter 31

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Entering my room, we both take our shoes off before sitting on the couch. I haven't worn heels in a while so it felt nice to take them off; I'm pretty sure I have a blister on the back of my foot.

Dimitri speaks first. "I don't think I told you this but you look beautiful."

I give him a smile. "Thank you. Olena said the dress highlighted my features really well."

"I didn't know you got this dress in Russia."

"Yeah. When I went shopping with your mom that day. I wasn't planning on buying it but she said that she would pay for it as a belated birthday gift. Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

I hesitate before speaking. "How well do you know Tasha? I don't know why, but I feel like she has something against me. And I just met her today."

Dimitri puts his arm around me and I cuddle into his side. "To be honest, I don't know her that well. We never stayed in contact since the last time I saw her. Maybe she thinks that you and Christian are lying about something."

"I just don't understand why she thinks we are dating. Like no offense to Christian, but he is not my type."

"What is your type then?" Dimitri asks, giving me a soft smile.

I look up at him. "I don't know. Maybe someone with dark brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair. Definitely someone who is about six foot seven and is muscular." I give him a kiss and feel him smile against my lips.

Deepening the kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me into his lap. Tangling my fingers into his hair, I pull out the hair tie that was holding his hair back. He disconnects his lips from mine and begins trailing kisses down my neck. I let out a soft moan and move my hands to the buttons on his shirt.

Undoing them, he moves his arms back so that I can fully push his shirt off. After his shirt is off, he stands up and takes me with him. My legs tighten around his waist and his hands move across my back until they meet the zipper of my dress. Dimitri moves his head away from my neck and looks at me.

"Roza." I see the question in his eyes. Ever since the night I freaked out in Russia, we never went that far. Dimitri was understanding of my hesitancy and never pushed for more than what I wanted. But I wanted him.

I give him a nod with a whispered, "Please." His hand slowly moves the zipper down until it goes as far as it can. He pulls the sleeves down my arms and lets the dress pool at my waist.

Dimitri leads us to the bed before laying me back on it and removing the dress entirely, leaving me in my underwear and bra. His eyes wander over my body as he climbs on top of me.

"You're beautiful, Roza." I pull him down for a kiss while his hands explore my body. He moves away from my mouth and his lips trace his hands path. Gently, he kisses each one of my stretch marks and I card my hands through his hair. For the first time in a while, I felt sexy.

I lightly tug on Dimitri's hair and pull him back up to me. Placing my hand on the waistband of his pants, I say, "Pants off."

Standing up, he takes his pants off. While he did that, I took my hair tie off and undid the updo; laying down made the updo press against my head. I placed the band on the nightstand before laying back down. Looking at Dimitri, who was now in his boxer, I watch as he walks back to me.

I take his head in my hands and place his lips on mine. His body rest on mine and I take the opportunity to move against him slightly. Dimitri and I both let out a moan.

"Dimitri please." I gasp, trying to grind against Dimitri faster.

He places a light kiss on my collarbone. "I've got you. Tell me what you need."

"Touch me." I say as I grab his hand and guide it down to my underwear. He lightly rubs me over my underwear before adding more pressure. I grind down on his hand as I get closer to coming. After a few more moments, I release on Dimitri's hand.

As I come down from my high, I look up into his eyes dazed. Dimitri moves a strand of hair out of my face and gives me a smile. "How are you, Roza?"

"I'm very good. But what about you?" I asked, taking note of the fact that he didn't finish.

"It's okay. I'll be fine." He assures me.

I just shake my head and roll us over so that I'm on top of him. Running my hands down his chest, I stop until one of my hands is over the bulge of his boxers. Just as he had done for me, I helped him finish.

Once he came undone in my hand, we cuddle up in bed. Looking at the clock, I saw that we still had about thirty minutes until I had to get Adira. For the remainder of the time, we just talked about random stuff. He told me more about his life when he was at St. Basil Academy and a little bit more about Ivan, who was his charge. I told him about what I did on during my year away and how I pretty much moved all over the place until settling in Portland once Adira was born.

He leaves about ten minutes early, giving me the opportunity to shower before picking Adira up. I put on some pajamas and made sure any marks made by Dimitri were covered before going next door.

Knocking, he answers the door almost immediately with Adira in his arms. He moves aside to let me come in and shuts the door behind me. I take a seat on his couch and take Adira from him so that she was now on my lap.

"Did you have fun?" Christian asks, smirking.

I throw a pillow at him. "Shut up. Thanks though. For taking Adira for a little bit."

"What kind of uncle and friend would I be to not let you have some alone time? Besides, Adira and I had fun, didn't we?" He says directing the last part to my daughter. Adira babbles happily as she tries to put her hand in her mouth.

"I'm glad-" I'm interrupted by a knock on the door.

Christian expression takes up one of confusion as he goes to open the door. On the other side was Tasha. Before Christian can say anything, she walks in and says, "I was hoping we could finish our conversation from earlier." Finally spotting me, she adds, "Oh, Rose, I didn't know you were here. What are you doing here?"

"Aunt Tasha, I thought we talked about everything we needed to. And Rose is here to pick up Adira. I was watching her for a few hours."

"Yeah. But now that I got her, I can go back to my room. I hope you have a good night." I rush to leave but Tasha stops me.

"Rose, maybe you can give me your opinion. Christian told me that the hickey was a result of a one-time thing, but I'm not sure that I believe him. He doesn't seem like the type of person who would have a random hookup."

"Aunt Tasha!" Christian exclaims but Tasha continues to look at me.

"Sure, Christian isn't the type of person to normally hook-up with someone, but sometimes, things just happen. People do stuff out of the ordinary sometimes but that doesn't mean you have to worry. I think Christian is telling you the truth. There's no reason for him to lie." I say, lying right to her face. I feel bad that I'm telling her a lie but I can't tell her the truth about Christian. It's something he needs to do and I'm not going to get in the way of that.

Christian gives me a nod of gratitude as I leave the room; I didn't want to stay there longer than I had to. It was a family matter and I didn't need to intrude on it. Once in my room, I get Adira changed and put her to bed in her crib. Turning off the lights, I get in bed and fall asleep immediately.

The next day passed by quickly and then, it was trial day. I got dressed in a simple black dress and changed Adira into a comfortable blue onesie. I made sure to feed her and put some extra milk bottles and baby food in her diaper bag just in case she got hungry during the trial. Putting her in the stroller, I store her diaper bag in the small compartment under it before leaving.

Dimitri and Alberta meet me in from of my building and together, we walk to the courtroom.

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