Chapter 11

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By the time I made it halfway to my dorm, the courtyard was bustling with energy, everybody hanging out as it was Sunday. However, rather than me being the topic of gossip, it was Lissa. They were talking about what went down at the church. I just ignore the chatter and rush to the dorms, only to be stopped by Lissa and Andre. I would have thought that she would be in her dorm.

"So, you think that you could get away with not mentioning the damn bond we apparently share."

I roll my eyes, adjust Adira on my hip. "You have been rude to me the entire time I have been here. You can't respect the decisions I made for myself. And you had the audacity to make it about you. So, why would you expect me to tell you this?"

"This involves me. And just to make sure you are not lying, tell me what I am thinking." She says, trying to catch me in a lie.

I let down the wall. Guardian Belikov is hot. Placing the block immediately back up, I try not to think about what she just said. Though I know he has no interest in her, that doesn't mean I'm not jealous.

"You think that Guardian Belikov is hot. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get back to my room." I said, trying to push through them.

Andre grabs my wrist tightly. "Wait a second. We need to talk."

"Miss Hathaway. May I speak to you for a second?" I hear from behind me and turn to see Dimitri.

Andre lets go of my wrist and I grab the cart to go towards Dimitri. He leads me to Alberta's office.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"Not a problem. But I did need to speak to you. Both Guardian Petrov and I need to." He open the door and we walk in, taking a seat in front of her desk.

She finishes writing down on a piece of paper before looking up at Dimitri and me.

"Hello, Rose. As you know, the event this morning stirred up quite a bit conversation."

"Well, of course it did. Somebody threatened Lissa, so it was bound to spread around school. But what does that have to do with me being here?"

"Guardian Belikov spilled some interesting information that I would have hoped to hear coming from you. Now, I'm curious as to what you know about the bond you share with Vasilisa. Kirova wants some more info and I told her I would get it for her. Vlad only knows what would happen if you two were put in the same room."

"Smart. To be honest, I don't know a whole lot about it. That is what all of these books are for. I'm hoping to figure out more about the subject and may even try to utilize it, however I highly doubt it. I probably will attempt to try to get rid of the bond rather than us it." I admit.

"But it is such a rare occurrence for a bond to form." She says.

"While you are right, we have barely any knowledge on it. There is a chance it could potentially harm Lissa or me and that it not a risk we can take. Listen, I did not spend months learning how to block the bond out just to use it for Kirova. The only thing I know definitively is that I can hear her thoughts and feelings and occasionally shift into her mind."

Alberta picks up on the last detail. "Guardian Belikov, you didn't mention that last part. Did you know about that?"

He nods, still maintaining his guardian mask. "Yes, I did. I knew I was already saying too much about the subject and didn't want to bring up a lot in front of everyone, especially the Dragomir's."

"Alright, well we will see what information we can gather on the subject. Hopefully, we will be able to learn enough to identify whether it would be helpful or harmful. Now, Rose, for as long as I have known you, you have never been much of a reader."

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