Chapter 12

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He responds immediately unlike last time. I knew it was wrong and so did he, but all that mattered was this. This is my chance to just enjoy it before it ends, which would be in a few minutes. But for now, I could enjoy it even though I knew it was more of a goodbye to what we could never be.

Dimitri's tongue ask for entrance and I slightly part my mouth, giving him the opportunity. The kiss transitions from hard to sensual as his tongue meets mine, his hands moving to grasp my hips, pulling me into his lap.

I start grinding down, seeking the release I wasn't able to have last night. The pleasure was almost too much and I could barely keep back my moans. Somewhere along the way, Dimitri's hands make its way to my hair, getting tangled in the locks and pulling it back, detaching our lips from one another and his goes to my neck.

He soon pulls away after we both find our release and gives a soft smile. "You are amazing Roza and you deserve so much more."

I shift off his lap and back to my spot on the couch. "Thank you for this, Dimitri. I truly wish that our situation was different."

"Maybe if I was younger or you were older and we weren't guardians, things could be different. I'll see you tomorrow morning at training." He says, getting up from the couch and walking to the door.

"See you tomorrow."

Training next morning passed by in a blur. It was slightly awkward after what happened yesterday however not too much. Dimitri and I understand that nothing can happened and made peace with it so there wasn't a need to make things weird. I grab the stroller with Adira in it before going to the cafeteria.

Grabbing breakfast, I sit next to Christian and Mia before eating my omelet and bacon. "So, how was your weekend? I'm sorry I wasn't able to come hang out with you guys."

Mia says, "It was okay. We both just stayed in our dorms the whole time. What about you? How did it go with the Dragomir's?"

"It was...interesting. I did learn that Strigoi were keeping them hostage and that guardians were just able to find them. It was hard to really talk to them because of Lissa." I see Christian wince a little when I said the word Strigoi and

give him an apologetic look.

"Wow, well I learned yesterday that the Dragomir's are going to be staying for a while. Apparently, people think they will be the safest here. Andre is being enrolled back into the school as well since he didn't finish his last year." Mia continued.

"Hey, speaking of Andre, how do you know him? I noticed how you looked when he came back."

She hesitated before speaking. "You can't tell anybody about this but remember when I told you about the one relationship I had. Well, he was the asshole that I dated."

Christian is the first to say something. "Shit, I'm sorry that he did that to you, Mia."

I nod along with what he was saying. "If it makes you feel better, I've never really liked him. Even though I used to be Lissa's best friend, I hated him."

"Thanks, you guys. We should probably get to class though."

We get up before going our separate ways to class. Luckily, because I knew Stan was giving us a quiz today, I was able to study up on everything we learned.

Adira wasn't too fussy in class and the test wasn't too difficult since I studied. I got a 100 on it and Stan was confused as to how that could happen as I always used to get below an 80 on tests.

Eddie and Mason, however, both got 78's on the test and questioned me immediately after the test.

I walked to Animal Behavior and Psychology after with Christian, who met up with me at the courtyard. We made some light conversation before walking into the classroom and sitting down in our normal seats. However, both of us stop talking when we noticed Andre, who was surrounded by many people, including Lissa.

"I guess he is in our class now. Honestly, can't stand the dude after finding out what he did to Mia." Christian says, making me wonder what he would do if he found out about what he did to me.

"Let's just ignore him and – " I stop speaking the second a horrid smell enter my nose. Turning Adira's stroller to face me, I see her look at me with a mischievous smile.

Christian also crinkles his nose before laughing. "Well, it looks like you have a diaper changing to look forward to."

I roll my eyes at him. "Shut up. If Ms. Neno asks where I am, tell her I had a poopy diaper to take care of."

I unbuckle Adira from the stroller before lifting her into my arms and grabbing the diaper bag. Walking to the bathrooms, I set the small padding down before placing her on it and unclipping her onesie.

I pull back her diaper and gag. "Little one, what did I eat to make you poop like this? Was it the beans from last night?" She just giggles and puts her hand in her mouth.

Cleaning her up and getting her ready, I leave the bathroom only to run into someone. "I'm sor – " I close my mouth when I see it was Andre.

Trying to step around him, he moves into my path. "What the hell do you want? I need to get back to class."

"We need to talk." Andre demands.

"Who do you think you are? There is no reason for us to talk. Nobody knows what you did so it doesn't matter." I say, trying to walk but he continues to stop me.

"Well, it does matter now when there is a baby. What the fuck were you thinking when keeping the baby? It will ruin my life!"

"Fuck off. And don't you dare call my daughter an It. Again, nobody knows what happened so just drop it and stay the hell away from me." I push him away, which he wasn't expecting, and walk back to class.

Sitting back in my seat, I just hold Adira in my arms for the rest of the class.

Lunch passed by in a breeze. Andre didn't dare to seek me out in a public place filled with people. Adira had already fallen asleep for her afternoon nap so I didn't have to worry about her being fussy. Eric and Rhea did come up to me at lunch, however, asking if I would be free to talk after class was over. Not having the heart to tell them no, I agree to meet up with them.

It was the end of school and they met me in the courtyard before guiding me to their personal living area.

Once we settle down, Rhea begins to speak. "So, Rose. I would love to know how you are doing. Last time we spoke, Lissa wouldn't give you the chance to speak, so I thought we could have a conversation to ourselves."

"That's nice of you guys. I'm doing pretty good right now. Generally, as of right now, I'm pretty well. How about you?"

"Well, it is a little strange being back after being stuck in a basement for a year, but it is nice to see everyone. It is a little overwhelming but as Royals, we have good practice as not showing it. Other than that, it has been okay so far." Eric says politely.

"I'm curious about your opinion on Guardian Belikov. Lissa only speaks highly about him but I know you both tend to have differing opinions." Said Rhea, the subject change almost giving me whiplash.

"Umm, he is a good guy. I mean, as a mentor, he really does help me be the best I can and he also is pretty smart. Dimi–Guardian Belikov will also watch over Adira whenever he can which is helpful." I say honestly.

Rhea says, "He seems like a good person and would be an amazing guardian for Lissa, which is the plan right now. However, I am a little bit concerned about her infatuation with him. I don't want it to affect either of them."

I start coughing before getting a control over myself. "I don't think it would be an issue. I may not know a ton about Lissa anymore, but I don't see her ever acting on her 'feelings' nor see Guardian Belikov returning them. He is extremely professional and takes his job seriously."

"Maybe you're right. Hopefully you're right. Guardian Belikov has my respect and trust, but right now, I'm not too sure about Lissa. She has changed a lot but I don't think that that is a good thing." Admits Eric and I can't bring myself to disagree with him because, well, everything he said was true.

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