Chapter 18

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He stays silent for a few moments, contemplating what he should say. "I thought we decided to leave this topic alone. Why are you mentioning it now?"

"I just need an distraction from everything going on. When I am faced with situations that are...overwhelming, I tend to get too caught up in my thoughts. I was playing with Adira in order to distract myself but then my brain decided that wasn't enough. So, please, enlighten me." I say, sitting up from where I laid and set Adira down in front of me.

Dimitri sighs, looking down at the bedsheets. "Rose, I'm going to be honest with you. You are only seventeen and I am twenty-four. I know we have gone over the age issue but you have to understand that you are still a minor, regardless of your maturity level. You had to grow up earlier than you should have and I know you are mature for your age. I understand the concept that age is just a number but six years is a big age gap right now. It would be different if you were already in your twenties."

"So, you are saying that the age difference is a major factor?"

"While we don't care about age, that doesn't mean everyone will feel the same way. Rose, if we were in a relationship right now, your reputation may never be the same and some of your opportunities would be taken away. I told you before that I won't deny what I feel for you. If sometime in the future, we still have feelings for each other, then maybe we can see what direction it takes us."

"Screw that. The chances of us ever meeting in the future is low, especially when being a guardian. Besides, my reputation has been messed up since I came back with Adira, no offense to her. The reasons you said are valid, Dimitri, but it's not fair."

Dimitri cradles my head in his hands. "'They come first.' That is the motto ingrained into our head the moment we begin school. But, do you want to know something? I will always put you first. Yes, it is not fair that we may never be together, but the reason I am doing this is so that you can have a great future."

"Fine. Then the least you can do is give me a kiss as an apology." I said, pouting my lips slightly, causing him to laugh.

"Roza, if I kiss you now, you are going to keep giving excuses for it to happen."

"That's the point." I say before taking his head into my hands and drawing him in for a kiss.

He moves his lips against mine immediately and I take the opportunity to savor it. To be honest, I'm surprised that he allowed this to happen, especially since he has been adamant that the previous kiss would be the last one, though I'm not complaining. Dimitri coaxes my mouth open as he deepens the kiss, his tongue meeting mine.

The kiss didn't last long as he gently began to push me away. "Roza, I know you wanted a distraction but this is not the proper one. You are overwhelmed and emotional right now. I don't want to take advantage of that."

I groan, laying my forehead on his. "Why do you have to be so noble? Any other guy would have continued."

Dimitri lets out a small laugh. "Isn't that why you like me so much? Because I'm 'so noble?' Besides, I think Adira was started to get jealous that our attention is not on her." He gestures towards my daughter, who is pouting and trying to crawl in between us.

I laugh softly as he picks her up and places her in his lap. "Tell me more about your family."

Dimitri's eyes light up once I say that. "Well, my father's not in the picture. I lived with my grandmother, Yeva, my mother, Olena, and my three sisters. I believe I already told you their names. Sonya has a son, Paul. Karolina has a daughter, Zoya, who was recently born. I haven't seen them since I began working here so I've never met Zoya. Viktoria is completing her education at St. Basil's and I believe she is attempting to be a guardian."

"Is Viktoria the only woman in your family that will be a guardian?" I asked.

He shakes his head. "Yeva used to be a guardian before she had my mother. She has this old-fashioned belief that woman should be a guardian for a few years before settling down to have kids. Unfortunately, my mother, Sonya, and Karolina all got pregnant before being able to work."

"What would your family think of me? I mean, I have a daughter and I'm still pursuing an education to become an guardian."

"Yeva would probably have an issue with it. Again, she is old-fashioned compared to the rest of my family. My mother would find it admirable that you are not giving up on your dreams. My sisters probably would not have an opinion on it. They all already know a little bit about you. I talk to my family at least once a week."

"Aw, you talk to your family about me? I'm flattered." I say, laughing slightly when Adira pulls a little hard on his hair.

"I talk to them about my work and what I've been doing as a guardian. You are included in that topic since I train you." He says before looking down at his watch.

"I have to get going. I need to fill out some paperwork for Guardian Petrov. Training tonight and tomorrow is cancelled."

I take Adira from him as he stands up. "Okay. Thanks for checking up on me. It was nice to be able to talk to you. Have fun with your paperwork." Dimitri gives me a small wave before leaving.

Looking a Adira, I say, "Well, it looks like it is just you and me. What should we do?" Out of nowhere, I hear a fart and smell something stinky. Adira looks at me with a grin, giggling slightly. "You stinky girl." Grabbing the diaper bag, I begin to change her and clean her up.

For the rest of the day, Adira and I play in the room. Before I know it, it is dinner time so we make our way to the cafeteria. Spotting Christian and Mia right away, I sit down at their table. Mia slides an extra plate of food in front of me and I give her a grateful smile; the dinner line was long.

"Did you hear about what happened with Andre?" Mia asked as I began eating.

"Yeah. Funny story, he got arrested in my room. He was charged for something he did to me." I admitted, no longer afraid of the repercussions of telling someone what happened. Andre was in jail and he could no longer hurt me.

Christian's eyes widen. "Seriously? What did he do to you if you don't mind telling us?"

"He raped me. He is actually Adira's biological father." I said, looking down at my plate of food.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?! How could someone be so evil?!" Mia said, placing a hand on mine. I squeeze it gratefully.

"I know. I'm just glad he is finally paying for what he did."

"Are you okay, Rosie? I mean, it must have been hard for you when he showed up." Christian asked.

"I think, for the first time, I am okay. Everything resurfaced when he came back but since he has been arrested, I no longer feel afraid.."

"We are glad you are finally getting the justice you deserve. I hope he rots in hell." Christian said.

I smile as I look towards my two friends. "I do too."

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