A Promise Made in Hell

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Alright, so I start school tomorrow and I'm in the middle of moving, so this is the best I can do right now. I'm sorry y'all. I'm doing my best.

I finished a little prematurely in my book from what I was originally planning - so I might add another chapter or two at the end in the coming weeks. But that all depends.

Thank you all for making it this far in this weird little story I've been working on for a while now! 

***small warning: there will be some swearing and violence

Kallus sternly stood next to the two Inquisitors as he kept a stone-cold face. Even as the small girl in front of him screamed in pure agony, electricity crackling across her body, he had to keep his composure. He remembered doing the exact same thing for her older brother, himself beside Grand Moff Tarkin and the Grand Inquisitor as the Jarrus refused to break.

Vader would have taken the task of interrogating the younger Jarrus, but he was called away by other duties for the moment. On Grand Moff Tarkin's personal Star Destroyer, the Executrix, Vader was second-in-command rather than first.

Unlike her brother's interrogation, Athena was not strapped down in a chair. Rather, her arms were pulled to each side of her body as she was suspended in the magnetic containment field. Metal cuffs on her arms to keep her bound into the field.

She was too small for an interrogation chair, apparently.

But, she was not too small for the same amount of suffering.

She wailed and screamed as the electricity continued to crackle along her body. Kallus had to refrain from covering his ears as her scream was far more high-pitched than her brother's.

But he could not show weakness, nor sympathy. Not now. These Inquisitors could sense if he ever so much wavered in his feelings.

When the electric current finally stopped, the girl let out a howl of pain. Her body trembled as she looked to the ground below her. The beeping and whirs of the interrogation droid looming around her head as it floated by.

"If she knows of any Rebel intel, she should have cracked by now," Fifth Brother said.

"Perhaps," the Seventh Sister pondered. She turned to Kallus. "Agent Kallus, you once interrogated her brother with the Grand Inquisitor. Had it taken this long for him to crack?"

"He...never did," Agent Kallus said, putting a hand on his chin, looking at the young girl. "He never divulged any information about the Rebels."

Athena trembled as she kept her eyes on the ground. She was not as strong as her brother. If it meant she could be let go at this moment, she'd spill everything. She was weak. Pathetic. Not worthy of the name Jarrus. Not worthy of being a Jedi.

Seventh Sister put her hand in front of the girl, using the Force against her. The child writhed and groaned in pain as she felt the Seventh Sister rummage through her mind. She could feel the pain she was trying to inflict on her. The pressure she put on the girl's mind as the Inquisitor searched through the deepest and darkest parts of her mind - places Athena even refused to go.

Then - one memory flashed by.

A single image, hidden deep in Abigail Foster's memory.

The gun. The blood. The very second her foster mother took her life - leaving Abigail Foster to watch a human's eyes go from semi-living to dead within a split second. Pain beyond death.

Seventh Sister chuckled and looked to Fifth Brother, "Seems like somebody has some pain we can work w- AGH!"

The next thing Athena knew, her teeth were sunk into Seventh Sister's glove, flesh, and bone. She didn't care for the taste of blood, but that did not matter. Her teeth were powered by her jaws, tight with rage.

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