A Nerve-wracking Car Ride

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"Alright, you guys seemed dressed well for the part," Hera gave one last tug at the collar around Ezra's neck - straightening it the best she could. The pilot looked across the common room. "Right, Rae?"

The teen girl swayed side-to-side as she looked at the flowing cloth around her body. "I think so. I'm pretty sure I saw a few people dressed like this in Las Vegas."

"I don't remember seeing anyone dressed like this," Kanan complained, adjusting the suspenders against his chest. A light blue dress shirt beneath them. Plain black pants on his legs meeting his brown boots. The large brimmed hat made his scalp itch.

"These are the most simple cloths I could find on the base," Sabine said, picking at a stray thread on the side of Rae's hip. The purple dress flowed all the way to the Padawan's ankles. It's short sleeves were poofy with white fabric underneath. A white hat on her head. "My sewing skills aren't the best, but I think these clothes will do the job."

"Yeah, but I don't remember people wearing these kinds of hats on Earth," Ezra took his yellow hat off. "A lot of them were wearing hoods like Athena."

"We were there for a couple of hours and came across very few people," Sabine said as she stood, soon gesturing for Rae to turn around to get a better look at the dress. "Besides, Cham sent us some texts he had about Earth. In one image, the people were wearing clothes just like this."

Zeb laughed, "Hey, Ezra, may wanna keep that hat on. Keeps people from looking at your ugly face."

"Shut it," Ezra grumbled as he put the hat back on. "You aren't even coming on this mission."

"He really can't, Ezra," Hera reminded as she put a hand on her hip. "You know Earth is just humans. That's why I'm just having you, Kanan, and Rae go down in the Phantom."

"Hopefully you three together will be able to sense Athena," Ahsoka stated. "Seeing that we know the exact city she's in, it shouldn't be too long before you're able to find her."

"New York City is very populated, though," Rae reminded. "I think there's a few million in the city. Small for our galaxy, pretty huge for their tiny planet."

"Athena is very strong in the Force and has grown these last few months," Kanan reminded. "Hopefully this means we'll be able to pick her out of a crowd quickly."

"Alright, let's get that holocron to send us to the Milky Way then," Hera nodded at Kanan. "Then - we'll get our little Earthling back home."

"Wo!" Ezra cheered. "I told you guys I wasn't overly optimistic."

"We'll agree to that when she's back in this ship," Kanan pointed to the ground as he looked at his Padawan.

Ezra smiled and nodded.

Soon enough, Ezra and Rae were strapped down in the seats of the Phantom. Kanan in the pilot seat. Chopper on the roof.

The holocron's warping them through space had turned their stomachs in a few unsavory directions, but it got them in front of the blue and green planet once again. Kanan detached the small craft from the Ghost and flew them towards the surface once again.

The plan was simple - Kanan piloted them down to the surface, a few kilometers away from the main city there was a desolated beach where they'd go unseen for the most part. When the three Jedi exited the Phantom, Chopper would fly the ship back to the Ghost and wait for the call to tell the crew they'd located Athena.

Ezra adjusted the brown sachet strung across his chest once again as his boots sank into the sand. In it, the wallet Athena stole from a man in Cleveland, a little food, and some Earth tech Rae had kept. This time they brought their lightsabers for good measures.

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