A Spark of Hope and Dread

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Ahsoka gathered the crew of the Ghost in the command ship, each standing anxiously around the command table. This was the first piece of news she had received about the Earthling girl that could be shared with the others. They needed it. After days, weeks, a whole month of pure worry and dread, they needed some spark of hope. Commander Sato stood next to the togruta.

Hera gripped the edge of the table as she looked to Ahsoka from across the table. Her voice was calm and strong, but her eyes were filled with fear and dread. Kanan was captured by the Empire for only a couple of weeks and he was worn to a thread. Athena was in there for over a month now. "What's the news?"

Just as Ahsoka's lips moved to speak, Rae interrupted her.

"Wait - wait," the girl let out a shaky breath as she crossed her arms tightly across her chest. "Let...is there any good news? Can that go first?"

"She's alive," Ahsoka said. "Athena is alive."

A sigh of relief was felt around the table.

"But," Ahsoka inhaled that sigh of relief back into her chest tight with anxiety. "It's debatable whether or not that's even a good thing."

"How could you say something like that?" Ezra looked to Ahsoka with wide eyes. "She's your Padawan! Of course it's a good thing she's alive!"

"There are things far more frightening than death, Ezra," Kanan's voice was soft and low, arms crossed. "I didn't exactly understand what that phrase exactly meant until Athena came along."

Ahsoka sharply inhaled through her nose and glanced at Commander Sato. He nodded and turned to the command table. With a press of a button, a holographic picture appeared in front of them all.

A girl bound with chains on her arms, ankles, waist, and neck. Eye engulfed with white fire. Her lower face covered by a black, metal muzzle. A half-dozen lethal Stormtroopers in dark armor surrounded her with her chains in one hand, weapons in the other.

Blood was draining from her forehead, but the average person would be far more distracted by the blinding white hair that menacingly floated around her head. Electricity sparkled atop the metal gauntlets that enslaved her hands.

It looked as if the girl, if you could even call her that, was in the middle of being transported through a dark grey hall. A picture unexpectedly taken by a passerby.

The crew was speechless.

That wasn't Athena. That was a creature beyond anyone's control.

Commander Sato was the one to muster his words first, after clearing his throat, "This photo was captured a few weeks ago as Padawan Jarrus was apparently being transported. It seems as if they are moving her from Star Destroyer to Star Destroyer with only a few select Imperials to stay with her."

"Apparently she is wreaking havoc in every prison cell they can lock her in," Ahsoka stated. "So far, she's killed over a dozen Stormtroopers in her rage."

"Well, at least she's taking a bite out of the Empire on the inside," Zeb let out a depressing sigh.

"Quite literally, I might add," Ahsoka glanced at Zeb. "Apparently she also bit the Seventh Sister's hand so hard, she lost several fingers."

"She bit an Inquisitor's hand off?" Sabine looked to Ahsoka in shock.

"Partially," Ahsoka looked back to the picture of her captured Padawan. "That's why they have so much security around her."

"That would explain the muzzle," Hera sighed.

Kanan unfolded his arms and gripped the table in front of him, looking down - no longer able to look at the photo. "They...they are dealing with a monster they won't be able to control."

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