A Deal with the Devil

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Athena jerked awake, gasping for air as she suddenly regained consciousness. When her eyes opened, all she could see was black and red. Her breaths were shaky and heavy as she sat up, most of her joints aching now. She planted her feet on the ground and gripped the edge as she looked down to the floor with glowing red underneath.

"Bastard..." she said under her breath as she sat there, head pounding.

The Ones refused to help her. They refused to even acknowledge the fact she was being held by the Empire. All they did was brush it off and continue to talk about Abeloth.

This was the sixth day of her capture. Within just six rotations, she had been moved between three Star Destroyers and was well on her way on being transported somewhere else. Each night, she'd still meet with the Ones - but not one of the three bothered to care about the situation.

Father's words pissed her off the most.

"It is no different than you being trained by your Jedi friends."

It couldn't be any more different.

She was beaten, electrocuted, mentally tortured, and threatened every single waking moment in the Empire. She found no kindness. No sympathy. No warmth.

Only coldness. Hatred. Fear.

She was in a cell in Tarkin's personal flagship, the only Imperial ship in the galaxy that had a magnetic containment field - the same machine she had broken the day prior in a fit of rage. In retrospect, it was a terrible idea. Not only did she injure an Inquisitor, she overpowered both of them as her electricity fried every electronic in that hallway. It wasn't her original plan to get a word in with Kallus, but it's what happened.

They threw her into a cell under quadruple maximum security for the rest of the day.

Her metal muzzle chaffed her jaw and put a little too much pressure on the back of her skull. The metal bars just in front of her mouth were about a centimeter apart each. Just small enough that she couldn't even pick her teeth with her fingernails.

Athena's stomach grumbled and growled as it begged for food. But that was no use. She'd get one measly meal a day - slid through the door in the morning. Often, she'd lose that lunch during interrogation sessions as the truth serum made her extra nauseous.

Her eyes stared at the door to her cell. Waiting was all she could do. Wait. And wait. And wait.

She couldn't wait for the Rebels to save her - that was stupid. All she could wait for at this point was torture and eventually death.

She could sense the cold approaching her cell. The loud thumps of his metal boots echoing far down the hall. Another presence, a non-Force sensitive, next to him.

The guards opened her cell and kept their blasters pointed at her as Vader slowly descended down the stairs. His mechanical breathing filled the room with some sound for once.

Then, an older man with pale skin and strong cheekbones. His hair as grey as his stone-cold eyes. Athena could tell he was highly ranked based on all the blue, red, and yellow bars on his chest. She didn't know exactly what rank that meant he was, but she knew it had to be high if he was able to stand next to Vader and in front of her with little fear.

She could sense no fear out of either of them. Only coldness.

And to think - they were the ones in charge of people's lives.

"This is the beast that has caused you so much trouble, Lord Vader? She hardly looks twelve," the man looked down to the girl with skepticism in his cold grey eyes.

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