Love is a Dagger

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And then it was dark.

And then it was light.

And then it began to all clash with the roar of people's celebrations.

Kanan groaned as he sat up. He could feel the grass in between his fingers now. He looked around to see they were just beyond the fence corralling the party-goers away from the Gateway Arch. Fireworks still exploded next to them over the river.

The Jedi rubbed his head as he looked to see Cyla Dume lying in the grass just beyond him. He looked in front of him to see Athena was in the same position. Laying on her belly, passed out.

"Did...we win?" Kanan looked back to Cyla as she slowly began to stand up with him.


Kanan and Cyla turned their heads to see two Padawans and a man dash over towards them. They jumped over the fence and dashed right to them.

Cyla let out a joyous laugh as she felt Onthant's arms wrap around her in a tight and tearful hug.

"H-how? Aren't you like...dead?" a confused Ezra looked to the woman in robes similar to the old Jedi's.

"Death is not the end of one's journey. It is simply a shift," Cyla stated. She gently told Onthant to let her out of the hug before she went over to her passed-out daughter.

"Is she okay?" Rae asked as she and the others began to surround the passed-out girl who was missing her left eye.

Cyla ripped a part of her own robes off and tied it tightly around Athena's missing eye to act as a gauze.

"Last I remember, Abeloth was about to bring us to Earth," Kanan let out a shaky breath as he looked down to his little sister, now being gently cradled on the ground by Cyla.

It felt like the world stopped when the girl's eye opened.

There it was.

The very thing they feared.

That tiny, inexplicable, beady iris in the center of an endless abyss. Those very eyes belonging to Abeloth herself.

The possessed child moved unnaturally as she stood. Head-turning like an owl and limbs like there were no joints.

The group could do nothing but stand there in horror as the possessed Athena licked her lips. The one beady eye scanning the world around them.

"It's been a while since I've had a good feast. Hopefully, this flesh does not fail me."

The Jedi activated their lightsabers and took a step back, breaths hitched in their throats.

The hair on her head began to float around like the tentacles of an octopus, growing in length. Her skin began to crack, leaving deep, dark lines across her flesh. The skin on her face was crackled with ashy grey marks. Her body was on the verge of failing, but Abeloth hardly cared.

The possessed girl eyed Onthant, who could not even take out his blaster in this situation. All he did was stand and stare. Shaking with horror.

She glanced at Cyla, the Jedi woman with worried eyes yet a steady stance.

"You're her parents?" She scoffed and chuckled. Her hair extended longer and longer by the second.

Before anyone could blink, two strands of hair shot out and wrapped around each of the parents. They gagged and gasped for air as the dying blonde hair tightly wrapped around their throats, lifting them into the air to where their feet dangled. Cyla's lightsaber clattered to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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