A Vision from Another World

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After scouring over the motionless, cold faces for what seemed to be forever, Ahsoka could not find the blonde Earthling girl. She looked to the one side of the room, the side closest to the lava lake, to see much of the floor boiled away. Probably taking many children with it. No remnants of their bodies to be seen.

She could just scream.

In the center of the floor, a bare space. The epicenter of the chaos. The eye of the storm long passed. That's where Ahsoka fell to her knees and let out a scream of anguish.

First her Master - now her Padawan?

How many could she lose? How pathetic could she be?

Another tear made its way to her eye the same way it did in that Lothal Temple. This time, there was twice the hurt behind it. Twice the suffering.

So she screamed. It's all she could do.

The cry of a convor echoing in the distance.

The teardrop made it to her jaw bone, clinging to the togruta's skin as it refused to let go. Refused to be taken ahold by gravity.

Then, a soft voice. A soft voice whispering across the sulfuric wind. Ahsoka could hardly even hear it. When she heard the first remnant of the whisper, she quieted her scream of anguish - listening closer.

The voice was that of a thousand people. Echoing through her head in an unfamiliar manner. Though, she recognized the Daughter's voice any day. It was hard to forget.

Her words could not be deciphered, but Ahsoka knew she should still listen.

There was one last call of the convor. And her vision went dark.

Ahsoka gasped as she felt as though her soul was yanked from her body. And that feeling wasn't all that inaccurate.

Bright lights flashing with brilliant color. A herd of humans walking at a quick pace. Yellow vehicles with black tires and little signs on their roofs moving along the cement beside the crowd of humans. A dark sky assisted the neon lights around her shine brightly.

Ahsoka gasped as a human looked straight at her, continuing to walk towards her. No concern if she were in the way. She backed up, raising her eyebrow as the man continued to walk in her direction as if she weren't even there.

Then, a human to her right shoulder. She attempted to get out of their way as well, but it was no use. They just walked through her.

Like a ghost. A phantom.

The people continued to walk right through her, her body passing right through them. The togruta looked at her hands, still looking a solid orange. Just hazy.

Her blue eyes scanned the bustling area around her. What stuck out to the togruta first was the lack of alien species. No twi'leks, no rodians, nothing but humans roamed the streets.

The city around was almost overwhelming. Bright billboards flashed by with hundreds of advertisements in a language she didn't understand. Her hearing was filled to the brim with the chatter of humans, the honking horns on the vehicles that passed by, and many other sources she couldn't even find the source of.

She let out a soft breath, recentering herself. "Okay...I was given this vision for a reason...Now, what am I supposed to see?'

Ahsoka stood still for a moment, letting the mass of people pass right through her. She opened herself to the Force. Letting it guide her.

When she opened her eyes, she blinked in disbelief.

A young girl, almost fourteen, stood in front of her. She stood at about 155 centimeters. Her straggly blonde hair poking out of her hoodie. The hood casted a dark shadow on her face, but Ahsoka couldn't miss those bright eyes. Those bright teal eyes.

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