Betraying the Rebellion

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"Lord Vader, I truly hope you are not conspiring behind my back," the Emperor spoke to his Apprentice who knelt in front of his hologram.

"I would never do such a thing, Master," Vader shook his head as he kept his head down. "I am loyal to you and-"

"You know the rules. The Rule of Two is sacred to the Sith," Sidious spoke. "It ensures our strength."

"I understand, Master," Vader said.

"Then why-" Sidious spoke with anger. "-did you take an Apprentice? Athena Jarrus is to be an Inquisitor. Nothing more!"

"My Lord?"

"I noticed the uniform she wears is an exact copy of that Anakin Skywalker's Apprentice wore during the Clone War," Sidious spoke, nearly spitting with anger in every syllable. "She is not to become a Sith Apprentice. Do you understand me, Lord Vader?"

"...Yes, my Lord," Vader bowed his head again. "You have my word."

"Good. Keep me updated on her training at every opportunity." the Emperor's holographic image soon disappeared, leaving Dath Vader in a silent dark room.

The machine who used to be a man slowly stood, his mechanical breaths echoing within the small room.

Vader knew full well that Athena could not be a Sith Apprentice. He was too loyal to his Master. The Rule of Two still applied.

But, the revenge it would ensure him... To have the Apprentice of Ahsoka Tano become his own. To have what was already partially molded by Tano completed by Vader. It provided him an opportunity. To redo it all. To make something Anakin Skywalker could never.

An Apprentice far stronger, far quicker, far more loyal than Ahsoka Tano ever was. An Apprentice who would never abandon him. An Apprentice who would stay.

She was exactly what Vader wanted. An Apprentice with the potential to outshine Tano in every aspect.

Perhaps if Vader was successful in turning the girl into his own Apprentice, he could dispatch her to hunt down the Apprentice of Skywalker. To kill off the past. To finally rid everything connected to Anakin Skywalker. To start anew.

What bittersweet revenge it would be.

Later that day, Vader stood by as the girl was once again strung up in a magnetic containment field. She screamed in pain and agony as the liquid was injected into her veins and rushed through her body. The interrogation droid pulling the needle out of her neck vein now.

Seventh Sister crossed her arms, tapping impatiently with her fingers on her other arm. Her new cybernetic fingers whirring with the motion. "She has yet to turn Dark, no matter how much venom we inject into her. We may need to up the dosage."

"It will be fine, Seventh Sister," Vader put his hand up. "She will succumb to the Dark, eventually."

Electricity crackled across her body and she roared out in pain again.

She couldn't stand it. All the pain. All the torture. All the hate.

It overwhelmed her. Even as she cried out, tears rolling down her face and muscles trembling with agony, the Inquisitors and Vader refused to let the pain cease.

Fifth Brother's pale eyes looked at Darth Vader. "Sir, when we go on for this long, she may enter one of her fits of rage. It could be dangerous."

"That is what I am hoping for, Fifth Brother," Vader said.

Vader brought his hand up and increased the output of electricity. Athena threw her head back and cried out louder as the pain continued to increase.

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