Ashla and Bogan

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"Cause you're hot then you're cold. You're yes then you're no. You're in then you're out. You're up then you're down!~" Rae nudged Athena's shoulder as the song continued through the car radio, her voice singing out right alongside Ezra's. "Come on, Athena! Sing!"

Athena let out a deep sigh as her eye twitched and her ears metaphorically bled. She leaned forward towards the front seats and looked at Kanan with annoyance. "Please. I beg you. End my suffering."

"You had this song on your MP3 player, so you gotta love it," Ezra encouraged. "Just sing with us!"

"You people went through my MP3 player?" Athena glared at her Padawan friends.

Rae chuckled and shrugged. "Yeah. Played it all the time in the Ghost."

Athena's face went white with worry and she side-eyed Kanan.

He let out a deep sigh. "We had to skip over a good portion of songs that were a little too vile."

"Why do you think I wear headphones?" Athena rhetorically questioned with a yawn.

"Why do you listen to such music?" Kanan raised his eyebrow and gave a sarcastic smile.

"It was a very all-over-the-place music collection," Rae commented.

"I learned several new words because of your playlist." Ezra commented with a nod.

Onthant let out a deep sigh, keeping his eyes on the dark road ahead. "Oh boy. Sounds fun."

"It was," Rae chuckled before she went back to belting out the lyrics to Katy Perry's "Hot n Cold". Ezra soon joined her little chorus.

Ezra wasn't much of a singer, but Athena could tell Rae could somewhat hold a tune. Obviously she wasn't trying to perform as if she were on stage, but she still had a good note here and there in the song.

The song continued on, despite Athena's ears begging for it to cease. She leaned against the window to her left and gazed out the glass up to the tree line barely touching the white stars sparkling the sky above. A spare misty grey cloud passing by, briefly covering up the stars every now and then.

Though she cringed at the moment in general, she couldn't help but to smile and laugh when Kanan and Onthant attempted to join in on the pop song sung by the off-key Padawans.

They were singing. They were happy. They were just about home.

The song came to an end and the radio announcer made a quick comment before switching over to the next song.

Kanan yawned. "Hey Dad, what time is it?"

The man quickly glanced at the watch on his wrist. "Three in the morning."

"Dear Lord, why are we up then?" Athena questioned.

"Well, you wanted to make it to St. Louis by today, so I decided to suck it up and drive through tonight," Onthant chuckled. "It's your friends' singing that's probably keeping me awake. You too, I imagine."

"Another song!" Rae cheered as the notes for a new song came on.

"I don't remember this one," Ezra commented as the song began.

Athena lightly chuckled. "It's a newish song. Released this year. We actually sang this in the youth choir a few times just before I met you all."

"Really?" Rae's eyes were wide with excitement. "Sing it!"

"No, no-"

"Sing it, sing it, sing it!" Ezra and Rae peer pressured the Earthling teen.

"Will y'all let me rest if I do?" she joked.

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