The Mystery of Lola Sayu

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>>>Just wanted to let you guys know I spliced the episode "The Mystery of Chopper Base" into this chapter

As Hera flipped a few switches over her head, she spoke to the com. "Ghost to Phoenix Home, we're heading down with another load."

"Copy, Ghost. I'll meet you on the surface,"Commander Sato replied.

Hera turned back to Zeb who stood not too far behind her pilot seat, "So, one more run, then we'll take a break. Are they still at it?"

"Pretty much non-stop," Zeb replied.

Hera made her way down the yellow ladder, soon standing next to Sabine on the platform above her cargo hold. Rae was sitting on the edge of the balcony, resting her head on the yellow guard bar next to her.

Two blue blades clashed with speed. The two Padawans both got to spar with Kanan in turns.

Hera leaned against the bar as she stood between Sabine and Rae, watching the two Jedi spar with intenseness.

"Keep your blade up," Kanan instructed with another strike. "It's easier to drop it than it is to raise it."

Their words faded out to Hera as she watched the two spar.

They fought like they were fighting for their lives. By the looks of Rae, she had already been fighting for her life in her previous spar with Kanan.

It'd been two rotations since the Lothal Temple incident. Ahsoka told them all about Athena's Force projection being yanked away. Telling them to run. Not too long after, each of the Jedi described an intense sense of cold run down their spine. A great disturbance within the Force.

Kanan had been training the Padawan's almost non stop. Apart from the day before when they had to go steal fuel(during which Chopper ran off and acquired an AP-5 droid as a friend and the location of Atollon).

Ahsoka left on her own - searching for her own answers. Searching for her Padawan.

It felt so morbid. Athena being dragged away by Vader in front of Ahsoka's eyes.

Kanan could do nothing but keep training. And training. And training. Hera hadn't seen him like this since his first encounter with the Grand Inquisitor. He kept training, hoping they'd have half of a chance of surviving the fight.

Hera shook back into reality when she realized Kanan and Ezra were at a standstill. Ezra's blade to Kanan's neck.

"Gotcha!" Ezra cheered in victory.

"And I got you," Ezra's celebration was short-lived as he looked down to see Kanan's saber a mere centimeter from his abdomen.

The boy retracted his blade and let out a sigh of disappointment. "Tied again?"

"There's no such thing as a 'tie'," Kanan said. "You lose, you die."

"Yeah, and you win by killing an Inquisitor," Ezra argued.

"No, you win by surviving," Kanan knew Athena could kill them easily with the Force. She wasn't that proficient with lightsaber combat - but lethal with the Force. They didn't need to win with her. They didn't have a chance. They needed to survive.

"You guys are getting pretty good," Sabine commented, looking at Rae, Ezra, then Kanan.

"Getting? Are you saying we weren't good before?" Ezra questioned, a little offended.

Hera could feel the emotion in the air. It'd been running especially high these last couple rotations. Her soothing mom voice helped in these situations. "I think she just meant you're even better now.

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