An Imperial Welcome

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The insides of the citadel were not grey. Rather, a rotten, straggling, dying blue, white, and brown with a bit of black. It was grey if you squint, but Athena had little time for that. Triangle-shaped windows lining the halls, a strange white light emitting from each of them.

Athena now had her duel-bladed lightsaber hilt on her belts as she stood alone in a new cell.

Vader escorted her through the Citadel to this room - if you could call it that. A hanging metal plank for a bed, a toilet that looked as if it were about to disintegrate in the corner, and a window high up on the wall covered with bars. The glow of yellow lava lit the ceiling in the ghastly shade.

She was told to change into her new uniform - the one sitting on her "bed".

It was a strange outfit. A high neck shirt with no sleeves, nearly no back, and a hole right above her heart on the front. The pants were form-fitting with diamonds cut out along the outsides of her legs. The shirt was black and the pants dark grey. Two blood-red belts crossed on her lower abdomen, conjoining at a yellow hexagon at the front. A black and red piece of cloth, reminding Athena of some sort of dress tie, handing from the hexagon. Three red straps on each arm and two long blood-red gloves matched the knee-high boots on her feet.

It felt oddly familiar, even though Earth had no such outfit in common circulation. She didn't realize it, but her outfit was the spitting image of her Master Ahsoka Tano's Clone War outfit. The only difference was the colors were darker and more Imperial-like.

She reached for her back, a little self-conscious about the scars that would be showing now that her outfit revealed them.

Vader was at her door as she emerged from her cell. He stared at her for a moment before walking in another direction.

"Follow." was his only word.

She did so, following the machine of a man through the dingy halls of the Citadel. They eventually made it to a door where Vader punched in some sort of code.

When he opened the door, Athena gasped as she took a step back. A room full of red-blades.

Red-blades with young owners.

Each of them immediately bowed down as they laid eyes upon the Sith Lord. Athena and he were the only ones still standing.

It looked like some giant gymnasium, filled to the brim with red-blades and their young owners.

Owners, from what Athena could tell, were no older than nineteen and as young as five. Each of them had yellow, red, pale, or some other unnatural shade of darkness for their eye color. Most of them had scars or missing limbs. Many reeked of the Dark side just as much as those Inquisitors she'd met before did.

She couldn't count them all, but Athena made a rough estimate of over one hundred and something children kneeled in front of them.

"Project Harvester..." she let out the words in a whisper.

Vader looked down to Athena as the rest of the class stood. "You are most perspective. That will serve you well."

She couldn't move. She couldn't speak.

All the hateful and broken eyes staring her down. It paralyzed her.

"Group 6 Class Master, step forward," Vader called to the massive group.

A girl stepped forward, about nineteen years old from what Athena could tell. She was human, but very tall for one. Almost six feet tall, she towered over the girl. As she approached her and Vader, Athena got a closer look.

Her orangish-brown hair was in a buzz cut and her eyes were bright red. A tattoo of the imperial symbol on the side of her neck. Her black armor also adorned this symbol on her arm guard. A lightsaber exactly like Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother's on her belt.

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