Shroud of Darkness

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>>>BIG WARNING: Big-time violence happens in this chapter towards the end

Ezra looked to the new door ahead of him carved into the Lothal Temple - looking nothing like the one he and Kanan had entered in before. "This is new."

This brisk air surrounded them as they stood in front of the giant Temple - once again erected from the ground. The plains of Lothal were deathly quiet for now.

"Well, new problem - new door," Kanan said. He turned to Chopper. "Chop, stay here. Keep an eye out."

The droid let out a string of beeps and whirs and they were off.

"Huh, so...the Jedi and the part-timer re-enter the Temple for knowledge?"

"They wish to know of their friend, my Son," the Father's voice was only heard by his children as they observed the four walk into the dark caves of the Temple.

"I shall take charge of Rachelle Styles' vision. She is sorely lost without a Master and needs guidance once more," Daughter said.

"Caleb Dume, Kanan Jarrus, seems to be having emotional turmoil as well. I shall oversee his vision - perhaps show him that he must accept the fate of his sister," Father said. "And, perhaps, he may finally be able to call himself a Jedi teacher to the boy with this lesson I have in mind."

"The boy pulls at the Dark side, I shall overtake his vision," Son offered.

"They are looking for Master Yoda of the Jedi, brother. They will not leave until one of them sees him."

"Fine, I'll patch through Master Yoda," Son's disgruntled voice agreed. "But - I still get an influence on what the little green bug says to the boy. Maybe I can convince him to travel to Malachor or something."

"Careful with that one, Son. He is very close to Syla Dume. If he falls to the Dark side too quickly, it may spell trouble for both him and her within the Force," Father reminded. "Now - I see Tano has grown in the Force since the last time we encountered her. However, a deep sorrow remains in her. She yearns for her Master and her Padawan."

"I sense that there is already a disturbance in the Force. The Chosen One knows they are here," Daughter said.

Son lightly chuckled, "It seems he wants to take over Tano's vision today. I didn't know he could do that."

"He is still the Chosen One, Son," Father reminded. "Though he has effectively thrown the balance of the Force askew for now, he will bring it to balance in time."


Athena gripped her head as the pounding refused to subside. Her eyes in pain as she slowly blinked, each time wincing in pain. Her vision nothing but a dark and blurry room. The haze of yellow plastered to her ceiling. Sulfur burned her nose.

"Ahsoka...Ahsoka..." she softly mumbled - almost like a cry for help. The last image she saw of her Master was when she stepped foot into the Temple on Lothal. After that, Vader.

She could feel her Master in the Force. She may have been many planetary systems away from the togruta, but that didn't matter. It felt like a millennium since Athena could even sense a soul so kind.

The girl sat up, no matter how much her muscles screamed at her to lie down. Go back to sleep. She sat on her knees just like Ahsoka would during meditation practice and closed her eyes.

Like the tunnel of blue a hyperspace jump made around the Ghost, Athena's mind warped and traveled to the planet Lothal. Last time she did something similar to this, Kanan had her back on Earth as they sent a singular word to her Master and Ezra. Now, it was just her.

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