A Terrible Realization

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>>>Just to let you guys know, I spliced the episode "Shroud of Darkness" into this chapter and also the next chapter after this

Ezra and Kanan descended the ladder and into their cargo ship of a home, Hera there to greet them.

Hand on her hip, Hera said, "Well, you two seem fine. How's the Phantom?"

Ezra, as he took his foot off the last ring of the ladder, said "I don't know. Chopper was flying."

"Oh boy," Hera remarked.

Zeb, who was up until that point on the couch tweaking his bo-rifle with a small drill, looked to Ezra. "So, kid, you find us a base yet?"

A defeated Ezra remarked, "No, but we did find two Inquisitors."

"Oh that's nothing new," Zeb said as Ezra left the common room.

As the door shut behind the boy, Hera looked to Kanan. "She's waiting for you. Why did you have us meet you out here away from the fleet?"

He paused for a moment and looked away for a moment as he spoke. "It's safer this way."

"You're afraid...they're using her to track you guys down?" Hera tentatively said.

It had been more than a month since Athena's capture. Each day, it got harder and harder. Not just the fact that a member of their crew was taken - but their ability to avoid the Empire. Everywhere they went these last couple of weeks, they were tracked down. No matter how many isolated planets they went to look for a base, there they were. Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister.

It was endangering the whole squadron. They couldn't go anywhere without having to run away immediately.

"We-" Kanan sighed. "-haven't seen her this entire time. They don't have her in the field."

"So, do you think she's really one of them now?" Zeb asked, a frown on the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know," Kanan said. "But what I do know is that the Inquisitors have been especially accurate in following me, Ezra, Rae, and Ahsoka wherever we are. They're getting quicker and quicker."

"How- how would she even be able to pinpoint where you guys are in advance?" Hera questioned.

"Athena had many gifts within the Force. I don't exactly know what kind of powers they've been able to unlock this last month," Kanan said.

"So, what are we going to do about it?" Zeb questioned.

Kanan let out a sigh through his nose as he looked to the lasat. "We're going to need some advice about this."

Meanwhile, Ezra was sitting in front of Ahsoka in Kanan's cabin as they discussed Anakin Skywalker and the end of the Clone War.

"One by one, they were hunted down," Ahsoka said, a dash of anger in her voice.

"By Inquisitors." Ezra said the word with disgust in his voice.

"Or worse." Ahsoka reminded.

The door slid open and Kanan walked in, "Speaking of Inquisitors, Ahsoka, what do you think about us doing the hunting for a change?" Rae was right behind him as he called her in for a Jedi meeting.

"When you defeated one, two more came," Ahsoka said as she stood, crossing her arms. "Who is to say we wouldn't multiply our problems yet again?"

"And there's Vader," Ezra slumped his shoulders.

"And Athena," Rae coldly recalled.

"I don't disagree. But the fact remains, we can't protect our friends from Vader, his Inquisitors, or even possibly Athena," Kanan said as he looked at his Padawan. "I can barely protect you."

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