Getting to Know Cleveland

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"Merge into the left lane! Left lane!" Athena shouted as she leaned forward and in between the front two seats.

"He won't let me over," Kanan threw his hand up in frustration as he looked into the side-view mirror.

"Then make him let you over!" Athena's hand lunged for the wheel.

"Don't grab the wheel while I'm driving," Kanan warned as he and Athena grappled for the wheel.

"Just go," Onthant pleaded. "We're gonna miss our exit!"

"Fine." Kanan snapped and quickly jerked the wheel to the left.

The others quickly grasped for whatever they could hold onto as the wheels of the car let out an unholy screech. Athena's body, unbuckled and free, was thrown around in the front seats of the car.

Rae and Ezra pulled her body back into her seat as the car behind them blared it's horn.

"Why did you let his first driving lesson be through Cleveland of all places?" Athena questioned her father, crossing her arms in disapproval.

"Hey, it's your hometown isn't it?" Kanan said. "I remember some of these roads from the last time we were here and I had to chase your butt down."

"Try not to get us killed before we get gas," Athena remarked as she buckled back up into the middle seat. "I know a gas station just up here a couple of blocks away."

"Why do you guys call it 'gas' if it's a liquid?" Ezra questioned.

Onthant answered, "Short for gasoline."

"This planet is really freaking strange," Rae commented with a yawn.

The sun was shying its way into the dim sky, struggling to break into dawn. Dark grey clouds suffocating the light as a chilled breeze made its way off Lake Erie. The neon signs of the fast-food restaurants, cigarette stores, and road signs lighting the roadsides with their vivid colors.

As the car was met with a harsh rock, Onthant groaned in disapproval. "Son, please try to avoid the potholes for once. The suspension and the tires are going to be shot if you keep this up."

Kanan questioned, "What do you want me to do? Make the car float? The potholes are everywhere!"

"Welcome to Northeast Ohio," Athena remarked.

Kanan eventually made his way to the gas station Athena directed him to. He slowly made his way up the oddly steep hill the parking lot had connecting it to the road and began to steer the vehicle towards the fueling stations.

The Jedi let out a sigh as he pressed the brakes and shifted the car into park. "Alright, let's stretch out. It's been a few hours."

None of the group hesitated to take up that offer. Like rats fleeing a sinking ship, the five of them jumped out of the Honda Accord and each let out a loud grunt of exhaustion as they stretched.

"I'll go put $20 on this pump," Athena yawned. "Anyone want any snacks?"

"I'll take a-" Rae abruptly paused as her eyes widened.

The others noticed this and followed Rae's gaze to the car. The five of them could do nothing but watch in frozen silence as the silver car began to roll away.

Side by side, the five of them watched in utter defeat as the car rolled down the pavement. A loud thud echoing against the metal body as it finally came into contact with the high curb lining the station's perimeter.

All eyes turned on Kanan, burning into his soul.

"I could have sworn I put it in park," Kanan said as he shook his head, soon jogging over to the car. He opened up the door and saw the gear in "P".

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