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Rae got the GPS running on her phone, directing the group to the city of St. Louis. The giant archway made of grey metal shining against the river as the city lights gleamed off of it.

"Why did your people build that kind of building?" Ezra asked as he leaned forward, gripping Kanan's seat as he gazed at the large structure ahead. "It looks so weird."

"I-it was to celebrate our westward expansion of the country. The Gateway Arch we called it," Athena softly spoke, head still under Kanan's chin as she pressed the side of her head against his chest. The closest thing she could get to a comforting embrace at the moment. Her skin felt like melting off in a burning soup of pain. "But that's where Her prison is. It's the gateway to her prison."

Kanan patted the side of her head with his gentle hand. "We should be able to find somewhere to rest. Maybe you can lie down and heal yourself."

"Alright, I found a hotel not too far. We'll just check in there," Rae said as she scrolled on her phone. "Turn left up here."

Onthant followed the girl's directions to a motel not too far from the Gateway Arch. He parked the car and looked at the group.

"Guys, it's four in the morning. Most places don't let you check in until the afternoon," he said.

"Then one of us use a damn mind trick with the Force," Athena hissed in pain.

"You might not want to come to the desk," Rae said. "They'll call the police if they see all the blood on you and Kanan."

"I can do it," Ezra volunteered. "I've been getting pretty good at mind tricks."

"Just get us a room," Athena said.

"There's five of us, so what do we want to do? Two rooms?" Onthant asked.

"I don't think we have enough money," Athena said. "We're gonna need to stay at least until the night of the fight, the 31st. If we live, we'll probably be able to check out the afternoon of the 1st at the earliest. That's three days and two nights."

"Alright," Onthant nodded. "We'll see what they've got."

Kanan glanced back to the Padawans in the back seats. "Follow Onthant and try to be as inconspicuous as possible with the Jedi mind trick. If it doesn't work, I'll come in and help."

The pair of Padawans nodded and soon followed Onthant out of the car and into the motel's lobby.

The Dume siblings sat in silence in the dark car. Neither could really say much after what they saw.

A small bang sound jerked at Kanan's attention. He scanned his surroundings as he put a hand on the side of Athena's head.

"It was just a firework," Athena let out a shaky breath. "You'll hear a lot of them during the holidays."

"Okay," Kanan softly spoke, a small shudder in his voice telling Athena that he was yet to really recover from that encounter in the road.

"Did you have Mom's holocron on you? When you went to grab me?"

He shook his head. "No. I just jumped out of the car. I don't know where that teal light came from."

The girl slowly picked up her head and looked into her brother's eyes. Still glowing. Just in the tiniest, most unnoticeable way, did his irises still glow teal. Hers were still struggling to get rid of the dead grey.

"Thank you."

"You'd do the same for me," he said.

She laid the side of her head back on his shoulder and the siblings went quiet again.

Battle for Earth - REWRITE(A Star Wars Rebels Story)Where stories live. Discover now