Fight of the Millenia

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It was dark. Then it was bright. Then it was dark. Then bright.

Athena could not make sense of her surroundings. Nothing was constant. Nothing was stagnant. Nothing was calm.

The only thing that was constant was pain and confusion.

Athena gripped the side of her head as she slowly sat up. She could hardly open her eyes now. Her stomach felt like it was twisted in a million ways. Her head ached like never before. Her nose burned with an insufferable pain.

A teal light glowed in front of her. Through her squinted eyes, she could see her mother's holocron and bracelet slowly break apart and go in their separate forms as the light in them slowly died. She quickly snatched them and put the holocron on her belt and bracelet on her wrist.

She stood up and slowly opened her eyes to look around.

Barren lands for as far as the eye could see. Deathly grey skies above. Sickly yellow and orange bed of rock beneath her feet. A simple kick would cause a patch of it to crumble.

The air felt like static energy. Prickles grew all down her spine as the uneasiness grew.

She could sense the thinness in the air. The wall that would usually separate her 'world' from the Son, Daughter, or Father's was like an unbreakable obstacle - made of the strongest steel and rock. She could not feel another 'world' unless she was in deep meditation.

Now, that wall was more like a sheer veil. Her stomach churned as she felt how close this prison was to her own world.

The girl stood as still as a statue as she felt a far too familiar presence lurk behind her.

"You know me...don't you?" the grating voice spoke. Its echoes filled Athena's head and heart with dread.

"Yes." Athena let out a heavy breath.

She remembered that shadow at her feet. That fire in her heart.

She knew from the beginning that those didn't come from herself. She wasn't born with them.

That fire may have died and that shadow may have been killed and replaced by her very own fire and shadow, but their essence did not.

As the abhorrent creature slithered her way around Athena, Her tentacles dragging on the ground, it smiled with those ghastly paper-thin lips.

As she stood there, face-to-face with the Bringer of Chaos, Athena finally understood what Jalo was saying. What the Father, Son, and Daughter were always telling her.

She was a part of Abeloth. Abeloth was a part of her.

From what she could sense, Abeloth had about the same amount of power as she herself harbored. The same amount of darkness. The same amount of light.

If she had to give an exact number, it would be 51% to 49%. Athena had just a smidge less than Abeloth's full potential. And Abeloth had a smidge more.

Neither were as strong as Vader, the prophesied Chosen One. He was at the same power level as the Father, or 100% of Abeloth. Each of them were about as strong as either the Daughter or Son - each composing 50% of Father's power.

"You have realized your destiny I hope," Her voice was like a thousand pieces of chalk on a chalkboard. "It would make it easier for the both of us."

"I'm...I'm not joining you," Athena couldn't look at those beady eyes again. The little stars in the deep abyss were too grossly enchanting. "I'm stopping you."

"You can't stop me," Her grin grew large. Her razor sharp teeth filled her face to the brim. From one ear to the other. "I am you. You are me. I have been slowly feeding you my powers since you were born. We are two halves of the same whole."

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