Reconcile and Fight

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Onthant let out a soft yawn as he rolled out his neck. The older man groaned as he gripped the kitchen chair, slowly easing his way into the seat across the table from his son. Bags under both of the men's eyes reminded them both of the sleep they sorely lacked.

The clock in the corner of the kitchen chirped the time of 4. Four in the morning that was.

"Why are you up so early?" Kanan asked.

"Why are you?" Onthant chuckled. "I usually get up around four or five for my jobs anyway. Can't see a good reason you'd need to be up this early."

Kanan let out a regretful sigh, "It's nothing."

Onthant nodded, "Ah - visions I'm guessing?"

Kanan paused, stunned by the man's intuition on the matter. He looked at him with baffled eyes. "How'd you know?"

"Your mother," he answered with a shrug. "She'd have trouble sleeping sometimes the visions would affect her so badly."

"Cyla had that strong of visions?" Kanan questioned.

Onthant nodded. "Yeah. They'd give her terrible headaches and shake her up pretty bad. She would try to hide it from others so they wouldn't worry, but I could always notice. Sometimes, she'd wake up in the middle of the night and fall off the bed, the visions would hit her so hard."

"That's probably where I got it from then," Kanan figured. After a momentary pause, he regretfully added "and probably Athena inherited that too, huh?"

"You kids inherited a lot from your mother I've been noticing," Onthant said. "You inherited almost all of my physical genes: the face, the hair, the height. But you have her spirit; kind and caring. Your sister inherited a lot of your mother's physical genes, but mostly inherited her skills in the Force plus some."

There was a silence between the two. Not another squeak in the house other than the clicks of the clock.

"So, how'd you find your Padawan? That Ezra boy?" Onthant asked. "You told me you met Rae when you and Athena escaped an Inquisitor's custody, but you never mentioned how you met Ezra?"

"Oh, he was trying to steal some cargo from the crew," Kanan chuckled. "He was an orphan with not much of a home, so Hera and I decided to give him the option of staying with us."

Onthant chuckled. "You guys really just take in every Force-sensitive orphan you find out there?"

"Just about," Kanan joked.

"That's actually how me and your mother met," Onthant said.

Kanan raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What?"

"I found a scrappy orphan on the streets, my dad and I took him in like he was a little brother to me, and he turned out to be Force-sensitive," Onthant said. "Your mother found him during a Jedi mission, decided to train him as her Padawan, and she and I got to know each other during all those years."

"She didn't just take him to the Temple?" Kanan asked.

Onthant let out a sigh. "My bro- he was too old to join the Order when Cyla found him, so she just trained him outside of the Order and lived with us."

Then it clicked for him.

Cyla's note for Athena: "I won't let them take you like they did your uncle."

Kanan's vision of his mother's final fight: "I may have failed to protect my son and my Padawan, but I will die before I let you lay a hand on my daughter."

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