Chapter 2-- The Camp (cleaned)

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It was huge. I had seen it before, only simply passing by but never up close in fear that they would see me, hear me or smell me. It was like a small town like area in a huge clearing of trees in the forest.

 We walked down a dirt path that led to a massive bonfire in the centre. Surrounding the town centre were dozens of cabins made from wood and surrounded by flower beds and the surrounding forest. To the left of the camp was a huge river that flowed for miles and could probably be heard for miles as the water crashed at different levels of mini waterfalls and rocks breaking its path. Behind the river stood a massive cliff that the teenagers in human, and some even daring to in wolf form, were jumping off of at different ledges until they caught sight and smell of me. 

It was like the whole town stood still. No one moved. They just stood there watching, no one moving their eyes from me and the three other wolves that were surrounding me and leading me like body guards. It had now gotten so quiet that all that could be heard was the river flowing and the soft shuffling of feet and paws.

The look on their faces was pure curiosity. I was just as curious. Were they going to punish me here? I hope not. My soul could only take so much humiliation. Laying down instead of fighting was bad enough in front of two dominant male wolves, imagine in front of a whole town! I might as well jump into the bonfire and burn or drown myself in the river. I seriously considered it too when two other tan coloured males came up in front of us in wolf form and stared at me with a sly grin.

'' What would you like us to do with him Luna?'' the bigger one sneered down at me.  I couldn't help but glare at him and this only seemed to deepen his gaze.

''No. He's not to be harmed. Or glared at for that matter'' she shot at them.

Everyone seemed to be taken back by her sudden change in personality. I haven't known her attitude or actions for longer than a few minutes, but the way she saved my life and their reaction to her anger, it seems her anger is out of place and I would care to remember to stay on her good side that's for sure.

The two tan wolves lowered their heads as we continued past them towards a huge two story house. The house was beautiful to say the least. It had a huge wrap around porch surrounded by a wooden railing which was the same natural wood colour as the house and other cabins. 

The only thing that made this house stand out so much was that of the pure white double doors, accompanied by a golden door handle and white curtains that accentuated the white window frames amazingly. It was quite the sight.

As we reached the door an elderly woman with grey hair and a brown dress approached us with what looked like light brown robes. Luna was first to greet the woman being covered with a robe and shifting into her human form. She gave the woman a soft smile and she turned to me motioning to the door. 

'' Please, come in, but do shift first. I'd rather talk in human form.'' She continued into the house tapping the woman's shoulder as the elderly woman surrounded me with a blanket.

I was hesitant at first but the woman's smile reassured me before I shifted and clutched the robe around me and followed Luna into the house leaving the woman with the males outside.

The inside was just as astonishing as the outside. It had that 'cozy' feeling people talk about. I've never really had much of a home per say, so I could never compare it to something I've had before. As I entered I scanned over the place.  To my left I saw a wide stair case next to a door and a hall that I couldn't see down. To my right was a massive lounge room with a flat screen TV hovering over a white and gold marble fire place warming the house, which was accompanied by three white couches surrounding it. Directly in front of me was a pair of glass doors that led to the back of the porch and back yard. 

As I walked closer to the lounge room I noticed photos sitting on a table against the hall wall that led to the glass doors. I walked slowly towards the frames which encased photos I was guessing of family or close friends. They were beautiful photos of people smiling and laughing together. I noticed Luna in one of the pictures with her shoulder length choppy black hair and honey, yet silver eyes standing next to a taller man with darker, if possible, hair and the same silver looking eyes. They looked so happy with their hands over her pregnant stomach. 

'' Ah. That was a beautiful photo full of happy memories.'' Luna sighed almost giving me a heart attack at her sudden presence.

I looked at her now fully clothed in a black and tan strapless flowing hi lo dress, which was shorter at the front and touched the ground at the back, even though she had 4 inch black wedges on her feet. She was really beautiful and elegant looking even with her hair in a messy ponytail.

'' I was 20 there. He would have been 2 this summer if an enemy hadn't decided to attack last winter.'' She said with pain in her voice and tears brimming her eyes. Even with her expression so hurt she still managed to smile warmly before placing the photo back on the table.

After getting dressed into a casual white shirt and black jeans Luna had given me, I started talking with her on one of the couches a bit more about her son and the attack. I discovered apparently it was all because a rogue thought a rumour would be fun to create about their son being some secret weapon. He was barely two! How could he do any harm!?

I only just met Luna but I felt I had known her for my whole life. It did make me wonder though. Why was she sharing all this with someone she just met? A rogue in her territory? I say her territory because throughout the conversation and how the Alpha hadn't challenged her earlier when she stopped them killing me, she was his mate, the Alpha female.

A forced cough came from behind the couch we were sitting on. We were so engrossed in our conversation that it made us both jump.

''Oh! Leon you scared us!!'' Luna whined with one hand on her heart and one on my shoulder as if she let go her heart would fail.

''Who exactly is 'us'?'' He asked eyeing me and then back to his mate.

''This is Aiden!'' Her eyes suddenly lighting up as she pulled away from the couch and around to the Alpha who didn't look all too pleased with his mates sudden enthusiasm. 

''What were you doing in our territory?'' He asked, not harshly but not exactly friendly either.

'' I... uh... was just passing through.'' I said softly not wanting to anger him. Nothing worse than being trapped in a house with an angry Alpha and no fight power.

'' Where are you headed to?''

''Up north.'' A half lie. Honestly I wasn't planning on getting caught just yet, but I wasn't planning on making this place my home. I had a search to continue with.

''Where-'' He was suddenly cut off by banging on the door. I felt infinitely relieved. He obviously didn't believe my lie and was going to push the subject.

''Where is he!? Where is that filthy rogue!?'' Someone roared through the door locking their death glare on me.

I was relieved way too son. If not a curious Alpha, a psycho werewolf? Just my luck.

Before I could speak he was on top of me, his hands around my throat. I could feel his nails dig into the sides of my neck and the clamping heaviness pushing my throat to the ground. All I could do was gurgle and gasp for breath frantically while staring into his cold brown eyes.

I could faintly hear yelling and screaming before I was being thrashed around and darkness started to slowly cloud over me.


I'm going to die before I turn 16, before I could join a pack that wouldn't abandon me, spit on me, or laugh at my blue crescent on the side of my wolf's pure white face. I wouldn't be able to have a mate. The only person who would love me unconditionally and uncontrollably. Someone who would hurt by not being near me, laugh with me and die with me. Oh, what I would give. But what I would regret the most, what I would give everything up for, I could not complete. I would never find my sister.

It's too late. I'm being consumed by the darkness.

''He's my brother!'' I heard a loud scream.

Then I lost all my senses as I let myself fall into the darkness.

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