Chapter 13-- His Pain Is My Pain (cleaned)

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Guys! I've finished all my reading goals for this book! Thankyou so much! I know it was mean making you wait this long for this chapter but I had a ton of stuff going on. Sorry :/

New Goal; 10,000 reads. Selfish I know, but I think we can do it! heck we did over 5,000 in nearly a month! Help me get the reads up guys :D

Check out my profile for more of my goals ^^ thanks again guys ♥


Jayce's POV;;

''We're working on it. It's best you don't put your personal feelings into this. We're doing the best we can.''

He should have found him by now. I should have found him already. I hate knowing he's probably scared and alone and I can't do anything about it. I hate feeling useless. Especially to my mate. The one person on this earth I never wanted to feel useless to.

'We'll get him back.' My wolf growled.

‘I can feel him.'

'' What are you saying? Of course we have personal feelings in this but...''

I zoned out of Luna’s rant. There was now a dull, thumping pain growing in my head. It was progressively getting worse as though someone was beating into my head repeatedly with a hard and heavy object and I had no control over how aggressively they did it. After a few moments it was beyond excruciating and I was now hearing screaming and felt cold as I fell onto the ground.

I wasn't in Leon's office anymore. I was in a cold, wet place, on rocks. I kept feeling the thumping and realised it was a boot colliding with the top of my head. I curled into a ball and tried to protect my head from the continuous kicking but to no avail.

I could feel someone tugging at my arms as though to make me suffer at the boot more. I tried to look around the room as much as I could but what I saw shocked me. It was the girl who swore to protect my mate. This was Ivana. I now realised why and how I was here.

''Aiden'' I groaned before the little light that was breaking the darkness of the rocky cell disappeared into a swallowing fog of darkness.

Aiden's POV;;

''Aiden he saw.'' My wolf whined.

''Who saw what?'' I tilted my head to the side, confusion consuming my face.

I have been in this darkness with my wolf again for a long time. My wolf told me there is no way to tell exactly how long it's been, but it feels like eternity. He said there is no such thing as time here that time is meaningless in this place. 

''Our mate did. He saw him beat us and he felt it too!''

''How is that possible?'' I asked shooting up from my laying position.

''I don't know. Maybe it's the mate link, but I could feel his wolf and him. They felt it all.'' he nuzzled his head into my stomach sadly.

I wound my fingers in his soft fur and sat back down. He curled his body around me and whimpered for his mate, my mate, our mate. The memories had all come back to me slowly over my time here and I knew who my mate was.


Did he know it was me? Was he hurt in his physical body or his subconscious? Was he okay? I worried for Jayce so much. I haven't known him for that long but mates have an eternal bond. It's like how they say 'Love at first sight', 'Love forever', 'Undying love' and 'Made for each other'. Our mates are chosen for us long before we are born, long before our parents are born and long before our parents’ parents are born. You might reject your mate or lose them but they will always be your mate and you will always feel those painful feelings of not being with them. I had been feeling them from being separated from him already and we weren't even mated yet.

I just need to get back to him somehow. And soon. 

Luna's POV;;

Why us?

I kept asking myself this over and over and over again. Jayce has been asleep for the last 16 hours while Leon, Rhyan and the rest of the pack either searched for Aiden, or researched possible people they were with, or places they could be in.

Evan had kept me company seeing as we were both forbidden from doing anything. House arrest. How horrid and unneeded for an Alpha.

''So how's Jacye?''

''He's alright. Marry Ann said that it's 'not something Jayce can't survive'.'' He chuckled while pouring his orange juice though he didn't drink it, he just starred at it.

''What it is?'' I came around the counter and grabbed a glass and the carton of juice he had yet to let go of.

''Huh?'' he shook his head and grabbed the glass putting the cool liquid to his lips.

''What's on your mind Evan?''

''Nothing.'' He shrugged it off.

I put down my glass and turned to face him. He looked at me quizzically and I gave him 'the mum look'. I might not be his birth mother but I was his mother and we both knew that. The look made him shifted uncomfortably under my gaze before he softly spoke.

''I just have this horrible felling that, do you think...maybe...h-he was feeling what Aiden was?'' he winced at his own words and lowered his head.

''It's probable.'' Marry Ann said cutting into the kitchen.

I didn't want to hear it if Aiden was getting hurt at all, let alone hurt to the same extent as Jayce. I absolutely didn't want to hear it... but I knew that I absolutely needed to.

''Jayce should be awake soon. You should go be there, but don't bombard him with questions.'' she sighed knowing full well that I would anyway.

''Remember, Aiden wasn't the only one that was hurt in all this.'' She gave me a painted look and exited the kitchen heading for the door.

''Evan, can you go up there for me please? If he wakes up tell him I'll be there soon. I want to go... check something out.''

''Sure'' He smiled and headed up the stairs two at a time.

I waited for the door to click shut before grabbing the brown paper bag hidden under the bench. I rummaged through the bag until I found the purple powder I was looking for. The powder that would get me into a lot of trouble, but it could also get me a lot of answers.


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