Chapter 28-- Day Eight (cleaned)

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  • Dedicated to Every Single Person Reading

 Luna’s POV


It’s now been eight days. Leon is still curios about the NWA (National Werewolf Association) but he understands when I can’t tell him anymore. The fact that I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone didn’t stop me. I just couldn’t share all the horrible stuff that we did. We were all like mindless drones. I realised a long time ago what I was doing was so terribly wrong but I was brought up that way.

The pack doesn’t know. Leon still loves me and trusts me with all his heart but I could tell a couple of times he just had to be left alone. I’d feel angry and hurt if I found out my mate was hiding such a huge part of him from me. I really appreciate it that he didn’t have any bad feelings towards it. Did I deserve it? No. I don’t believe I do deserve his understanding.

No one has heard any news from Aiden, Jayce or the twins. I feel so dead to the world. My wolf attached itself so deeply to our little brother that I can barely function anymore. If I didn’t have a mate that I loved so deeply we would have lost our fight. We wouldn’t be here today.

‘’Luna? We have some news.’’ Leon wiped his hand over my cheek as I lay in my bed.

I’ve been bedridden for these last few days. My wolf barely talks to me anymore. I don’t know how much more my wolf can take. I don’t know how much more I can take.

‘’What kind of news?’’ My voice was hoarse from rarely using it.

We’ve received nothing but bad news since day one. More friends have died. Family of the beta’s and Alpha’s have died the same way I am trying not to. We’ve gotten no tracks of my brother, none of Jayce and none of the twins. Everyone has vanished. There’s been no sighting of Ezra or any rogues associated with her group. It’s like they never existed. Not any of them.

‘’We received news from a tribe in the North. They fell under attack yesterday.’’ He let his hand rest on my cheek and his other tightly wrapped around my hand.

‘’What happened?’’


I shot up in my bed and grabbed his shoulders tightly, my wolf was slowly pushing to the surface making my nails extend and almost break my mate’s skin. He didn’t even flinch.

‘’Her rogues were spotted up there. They wiped out nearly the whole tribe but we had some scouts near the Northern border so we managed to save a few people. Barely many though.’’ He shook his head.

‘’And Aiden!? What about Aiden!? Was he there!?’’ I shook him slightly and he nodded.

‘’We have a young girl that was there. She says she saw him there and a girl. Ivana.’’

‘’Where is she!?’’

‘’In the living room but--‘’

Before he could even finish I was running down the stairs and straight for the living room. I skipped a ton of stairs and almost tripped but a scout at the bottom was luckily there to catch me.

‘’Luna!‘’ Leon called from the top of the stairs but I was too far gone to stop.

I rushed straight to the couch to see a small body curled up on the couch under some blankets. I ran over to her only to be pulled back by Leon and dragged to the foot of the stairs again.

‘’What do you think you’re doing!?’’ I yelled at him but he covered my mouth with his large hands.

‘’Your brother may be missing but that little girl’s family was slaughtered yesterday. She hasn’t slept since and she’s scared of anyone and everyone. Especially wolves. Let her sleep for a while longer. You need to eat and have a shower.’’ He whispered in my ear and my wolf calmed.

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