Chapter 17-- I'm Coming Home (cleaned)

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Aiden's POV

He kicked me again in the stomach and I could feel my insides bruising. I could feel the metallic taste of blood raising every cough I made. This was almost worse than when Luna left.

Flashback ( A/N: Continued from chapter 3 which leads onto the flashback in Luna's POV in chapter 10. Just letting you know so it makes more sense ^^. )

'' Where did she go!? Where's Tay!? I have to find Tay!'' I grabbed at mummy's arms but she pushed me off and I fell to the ground.

''Mummy where are you going? Mummy we need Tay!'' I reached for her again but she gave me a disgusted look and went off towards the shed in the trees while I ran after her.

'' What're you doing? You know you’re not allowed to go there!'' Daddy came from out of the trees.

''Daddy! Daddy, Tay is missing! We need to find her!'' I grabbed his arm and tugged it towards the forest.

'' She's not missing.''

''What?'' I stared up at him blinking away tears.

''She ran away. She hates you. It's your fault.'' He snarled.

''No....Tay said....Tay said she wouldn't ever leave.'' 

''She told me before she left. She said 'Aiden's disgusting. Who would want him?' and then she laughed and went away.''

''No.'' Tay would never say that. Tay loved me. She wouldn't!

''You’re a liar!'' I screamed and turned to run but daddy grabbed my arm.

''Don't you talk to me like that you disgusting dog.'' He slammed me to the ground and I could hear a crack in arm.

''Daddy. Daddy it hurts.'' I cried reaching for him to help me up.

''Your disgusting! You made your own sister leave! What are we supposed to do now!?'' He kicked me over and over again.

''Daddy I'm sorry! I'm sorry Daddy! Daddy stop! I'll be a good boy I promise! Daddy please stop!''

End of Flashback.

 He didn't stop. No matter how much I cried, bled, screamed and pleaded, he didn't stop. He didn't stop until I couldn't see any more my face was that swollen and bruised. He threw me under a park bench when he thought I was dead. Oh God how I wished I was dead.

''You're killing him!'' Ivana cried again but like usual, it fell on deaf ears.

I coughed again rolling on my side. I could feel more blood seeping from my mouth to join the red puddle next to my head. How long has it been since he started this? Four days? Maybe five? I can’t do this much longer.


I groaned again clutching my ribs. I'm sure at least three were broken.


''Aiden!'' Ivana screamed at the sound of a new rib cracking.

''I-I can't... I can't....' I tried to breathe out through coughs and blood.

I could see specks of black clouding my vision now. How peaceful it would be to just sleep. I smiled softly at the thought before Warren's boot collided with my face knocking it back with a sickening crack from my neck.

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