Chapter 23-- My Burning Thoughts (cleaned)

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Jayce's POV

'' Are you an idiot!?'' Evan stopped his pacing to scream.

'' Calm down.'' Rhyan hushed but Evan glared, making Rhyan step back.

'' He was on fucking fire you moron! Do you not care about him!? I don't know about you, but I do! Aiden is his mate, I understand, but when you can't see any sign of him it doesn't mean you rush into a fire over and over again!'' His cheeks were red with anger completely pointed at me.

'' I would do the same for you.'' Rhyan cut Evan's rant short.

'' And if the flames didn't kill you, I'd kill you myself.'' He growled.

I flinched away at the seriousness of his tone. I have never seen Evan so angry before but I could see more than anger. I could see the terrifying distress on his face. 

He glared at me again before using his bone crushing werewolf strength to hug me.

''I'll kill you myself next time.'' He whispered.

I wrapped my arms around him, smiling a little at the pleading emotions in his tone. He was taller than Aiden but not taller than me or Rhyan. He always looked so small and fragile but he packed a punch and his bark was seriously worse than his bite because he barely barked and when he did, it meant something serious and it always hit the strongest emotions in that person.

I felt warm water drop onto my shoulder and looked up at the sky with no sign of rain until it hit me. Evan was crying. I rubbed circles on his back while Rhyan stared at his mate in shock and awe. Evan rarely raised his voice, let alone makes a death threat or cry.

''Jayce we'll find him.'' Evan cleared his throat bringing his determined face in front of mine, no sign of the tears he had shed anymore.

''I plan on it.'' I nodded to him then Rhyan who looked just as determined.

''Let me look at your burns.'' Helina swooped in from behind a tree holding a few large leaves and flowers in her hands.

I cocked a brow and slowly moved my arm in front of her. The burns had yet to heal and it was a worrying thought because it barely gave me room to move let alone continue searching for Aiden.

''This will hurt. You guys might want to hold him.'' She nodded to Evan and Rhyan who wearily grabbed my arms above the burns that engulfed them.

Helina stared intently at my arms before she moved to my chest fishing at a bright purple looking flower and red autumn star leaf. She plucked the five triangular petals from the flower and laid them on top of the red leaves that now coated my burnt chest. She then broke the thick stem in half and rubbed the oozing green slime all over the petals and the burns. I looked at her with a 'was that supposed to hurt' look and she stepped back smirking.

I looked at her; confusion etched my face before I felt it. A searing pain ripped through my chest as the petals melted into my skin. It felt like acid and I wanted it off and I wanted it off now. I wanted to rip it and my skin off just to destroy the parts melting into me. I tried to rip my arms from Evan and Rhyan, gritting my teeth and groaning at the pain. The pain was mind numbing. All I could think about was the green juices seeping through the petals and leaves clearing a path for the acids of the petals to ooze into my skin.

Evan and Rhyan’s faces screwed up as I thrashed and growled. I could feel the burning and tearing move to my lungs and heart before the melting stopped and completely dissolved, making me drop to my knees, arms still restrained by the twins.

''What the hell was in that!?'' Evan yelled, rubbing my shuddering shoulders.

''Man up. We still have to go through this for a few more hours seeing as it wasn't a natural fire.'' She sorted through her colourful flowers shaking her head.

I starred at her in horror, Rhyan and Evan both giving her an 'are you kidding' look until they shifted their eyes to give me a look of sympathy.

''Fantastic.'' I slumped as Helina moved closer and the twins held my arms firmer.


Night had finally fallen and the torture of the mysterious flowers was thankfully over. Who would have thought such beautiful flowers could harbour such pain but not only pain, such healing abilities. My burn were now completely disappearing with my werewolf healing but I was worn out from how much pain the flowers had caused.

''Hey Jay'' Rhyan came over to the log I was leaning against.

''Hey'' I groaned, pulling myself up to sit.

''How's your chest?''

''Still a little sore but nothing I won’t survive.''

''Mh. Well when you’re fine and we all get some sleep we'll keep going okay? We'll get him back Jay. I promise.'' he patted my shoulder, a determined look on his face before he strolled to the other side of the camp fire to sleep with the already sleeping Evan.

I looked up at the stars, just wondering what was going on around me. I was wondering if there was a definite reason why all this was happening to us. To everyone. Why couldn't the world just cut us all a little slack? If we are punished for something I wanted to know why and what for. Why?

I looked to the left of the moon and saw a star connecting to make a wolf, then looked back at the moon. It was full tonight. Mythology had the full moon thing slightly wrong. We aren't forced into a change but wolves around the world do come out to run. It's just when the moon is full and beautiful we like to go on runs. It's just a nice view like how human couples like to go on dates at sunset.

I stared at the sky for a while more, not being able to push back the terribly cliché feeling I was having. I wanted to know if Aiden was staring up at the sky right now. I wanted him next to me so incredibly badly that my heart ached and my wolf cried out at the loneliness and darkness that surrounded me.

I wanted him in my arms, his head on my chest and his neck bearing my mark. I wanted to see his chest rise and fall, his body heat pouring into mine while his heart beat created the perfect melody. I wanted my mate. I wanted my Aiden.

I growled in frustration and rolled onto my side.

''You're making yourself depressed.'' my wolf chided in.

''What do you want me to do about it?'' I asked almost angrily.

''Find him already!'' He growled.

''I already have! He just keeps getting ripped away!''

''Then rip him back!''

''I'm trying my hardest.'' I sighed.

''Then let me try mine.'' he stopped growling and his voice faded back into nothing.

I'll do it myself. I need to prove to Aiden that I won't let him slip away from me again. I needed to prove I'm worth his time and his acceptance. Most of all, I needed to prove it to myself.

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