Chapter 12-- Secret Room (cleaned)

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''All alone''

I curled into a ball not wanting to hear anymore.

I won't believe it! I can't!

Luna, my beautiful big sister, she loved me, she wanted me! I had friends and family now too! Leon, Evan, Rhyan...Jayce. I let slip some tears to control the battle raging in my mind.

''You're a liar.'' I cried.

''Tch. You will know soon enough, pup.'' she stood and exited as a man in black combat boots entered and closed the door behind her.

I cried with what felt like endless tears forcing their way through the barrier I had tried to uphold all these years. It wasn't exactly what she said; it was how she said it with all sincerity and truth in her voice. The kind of tone a mother gives to a child when they explain Santa was never real but they never meant to lie and deceive them.

Was I really as wanted as I thought?

Luna's POV;;

''So, you're saying my brother is nowhere to be found, with mindless rogues, vampires, and not only vampires! Oh no. The Rebel Leader herself and a what?''

''Ryugaokura'' Leon cut in again as I was about to tear this warrior limb from limb and slap him with the soggy end as he bowed his head in shame.

''Ryugaokura literally means 'dragon sent'. They're a race containing dragon blood and are rarely born. Their powers have never been studied due to lack of information as to where they live, but we know that they're a peaceful people and live in colder climates in mountain terrain. The fact that Ezra has this 'Ivana' is a mystery. They're not usually female.''

''Then why's she with Ezra?'' I spat her name like a thousand poisoned needles had entered my throat, like the acid it was.

''We don't know.''

I sighed angrily and plopped into one of the black cushioned chair in front of Leon's desk.

''What does she want with Aiden?'' I asked the million dollar question that was eating at everyone's mind.

''We don't know that either.'' Leon said slowly enough for it to sink in rather than bombard me.

I groaned and stood, heading for the door but when I thrust it open I was met by Jayce. He looked like he had been to hell and back. He wasn't the Jayce we knew. No. This Jayce was pale with black shadows enveloping his skin around his once blue eyes. The whites of his eyes were now pigmented red and held no laughter, no jokes and no sleep as it once did. He was lifeless. A mere shell trapped on this earth. Without our mate we are like zombies condemned and roaming the earth alone. Not even the love of our most beloved and cherished friend or family member could cause a smile to form. Our animal instinct prevents us from following our mate into the afterlife by choice, our need to survive. Our wolf is what breaks us but is also what shackles us to the pain.

''Jayce'' I whispered and reached for his face but he turned away and walked down the hall.

''Jayce'' I said a little louder but he kept on walking. His shoulders were slumped as though he had been defeated, as though his feet were secreted in cement and it was of the up most pain to continue on but he had to, his wolf had to.

''Jaycen'' Rhyan came from around the corner and in front of Jayce as I caught up to him.

''Buddy, if you look like that he won't want to come back. Eat.'' Jayce shot Rhyan a threatening glare but Rhyan just returned it, no playful look in his eyes.

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