Chapter 29-- Splitting Up (cleaned)

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Aiden’s POV


‘’Aid wake up.’’ Ivy’s voice filled my ears.

I shook my head and reached for the coldness in front of me hoping to find my mate; My warmth, My love.



‘’We need to go. Seb’s getting anxious.’’ Sighing, I raised my head and slowly got up looking at Seb being smothered by Ivy.

‘’ Okay. Where’s Paige?’’

‘’Oh. I’m not sure. She woke me up to tell me she’ll be back soon so I figured she went to go do her business.’’ She coughed and gathered up all her ingredients for potions and whatever else she had with her.

‘’Paige!’’ I called out walking around the small clearing we had found the night before.

‘’Paige! We’re leaving. Get your butt out here before we send Seb in to find you.’’

‘’Jesus Ivy. She just lost her parents and you’re yelling at her?’’ I shook my head and took Seb from her arms to stop his squirming.

‘’I still don’t trust her. Something’s off.’’ Seb nodded in agreement with Ivy.

A twig snapping sounded behind us before Paige jumped out and screamed ‘’Boo!’’ I almost died and Ivy looked ready to show her who not to mess with.

‘’You don’t do that you stupid girl! We have to be quiet and we’re all paranoid and you go and do that!? What is your problem!?’’ She screamed at the little girl.

‘’I-I’m sorry.’’ Paige’s eyes watered up and I rushed over to her as she let her tears flow onto my jacket.

‘’Don’t be so cruel Ivy!’’ I yelled before whispering sweet nothings into Paige’s ear to get her to slowly calm down.

‘’Ai-Aiden I’m sorry. I di-didn’t mean t-to scare you’’

‘’It’s okay Paige. Come on let head this way. Jayce told me he’s in the west.’’ I smiled at her until my arm was grabbed by Ivy.

‘’What are you thinking Aiden!? We just escaped from the West. We were locked up there. Don’t you understand what going there could do!?’’

‘’My mate is there Ivy. I’m going to him if that means getting locked up there again just to see his face in anything but a dream. I’ll risk it all.’’

‘’ You stupid stupid boy! We need to keep going to the East. Jayce will meet us there.’’ She yelled while dragging my now sore arm along with her towards the rising sun.

‘’No! I’ve followed you for long enough and where has it gotten me!?’’ I screamed and motioned to the blood covering my clothes.

‘’What has it gotten you!? I’ve given you everything trying to get you to your mate! Everything! I’ve kept you safe and alive for your family and mate! ‘’ Her voice screeched through the trees sending the little birds high into the heavens of flight.

‘’ At what price? Paige has no family. You have no family.’’

‘’I’d rather have no family and have you safe then you to die for your own foolish mistakes.’’ Growling as animalistically as she could she dragged my body with her, a growling Seb following her.

‘’ You’d gladly stand by and watch your family die for my sake? You’d kill your life partner to see me safe? You’d abandon everything! Everything for me when I don’t want it!? I want my mate and nothing, nothing will stop me from having him back.’’ My body shook and shuddered without my command as my eyes hazed over and black smoke slowly made its way around my body.

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