Chapter 16-- Born To Kill (cleaned)

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Jayce's POV

It's a promise.

I forced my eyes open and was met by Evan's sleeping face on my bed to my left. I pulled the covers back softly not wanting to wake him and got out of the bed using the wall to stabilise myself. My body felt heavy and sore but I pushed off the wall and headed for the stairs but heard banging and yelling from Leon and Luna's room. I crept close and looked in through the small opening. I could see Leon cupping Luna's face looking worried.

''...he needs his sister safe here'' he reasoned, making her flinch.

Was she trying to leave again? Geez, she knew Leon would never let her go after Aiden no matter how close they were.

''I'm not his sister.''

What? What's she saying? She treated him like he was the most precious jewel in the world. She couldn't not be his sister.

''I was born to kill him.'' She stared blankly at Leon as he tensed up.

''What the fuck are you talking about!?'' I burst through the room glaring daggers at the slightly frightened woman.

''Jayce I--'' She turned to me easily now that Leon had let go of her and stepped back in disbelief.

''No. You won’t touch my mate. Ever.'' I growled lowly as she stepped back before I continued.

''I don't care what your rank is in this pack but if you lay a single finger or paw on Aiden I won't hesitate to rip your body apart.'' I threatened and stormed out of the house and into the forest not caring for her or Leon's reaction.

I would do anything for my mate, even if that meant destroying an Alpha; My Alpha.


I had been walking through the forest for the last hour and was getting sick of my little not-so-quiet follower that I had picked up very quickly.

''Evan.'' I sighed.

''I can hear you.''

I heard him curse himself and step out behind me.

''For how long?'' he asked, disappointed in himself.

''You don't know how to shut a door quietly.'' I turned to see his face.

He looked like he was tracing his steps back and realised just how bad he is at trying to stalk, let alone doing it quietly.

''Damn.'' he sighed.

''Now what do you want?''

''I'm coming with you.'' He said matter of factly, like I should have known without asking.

''No.'' I flat lined.

''Yes! I'm just like you! I haven't known him for long but I love him! He's just like a brother to me! He's my family. I need to do this! '' He pleaded.

I stared at his determined face for a moment before I sighed. I would need all the help I could get instead of wondering around aimlessly. I couldn't just leave him here; he would just follow me again, hopelessly and probably get eaten by a bunny.

''Fine.But...'' I looked behind him into the shrubs and trees.

''...You're coming too obviously. You've gotten better but I'm still the best, Rhyan.'' I smirked at him cursing and stepping out next to a surprised Evan.

''How the heck do you do that!? I couldn't hear him at all.'' Evan pouted.

''He stepped on a twig about 45 minuted ago.'' I turned and started walking again shrugging my shoulders.

''He's still as sharp as ever.'' Rhyan whispered to a giggling and nodding Evan.

Now where do we go to? I thought stopping and looking around. As if reading my mind Rhyan caught up to me and gave me the best news I had heard since Aiden was taken.

''I think I found some tracks late last night.'' He stood beside me as I whipped around to face him.

''Where?'' was all I said and we were off after the tracks.

Luna's POV

Leon stared at me in disbelief after Jayce had left, followed by Evan and Rhyan.

''You what?'' He asked gaping at me.

His eyes were pleading for me to say it was simply a cruel joke. I wish it was. Oh god I wish it was.

''I was born to kill him.'' I repeated sitting slowly on the bed.

Leon just stared at me curiously before he asked the question I was expecting sooner rather than later.

''Does he know?''

''That I'm not his sister? That I've been lying to him for 14 years? Or that I'm supposed to kill him?'' I chuckled humourlessly.

He sat beside me and stared at me sympathetically but I could see his curiosity growing. Leon was always the curious werewolf. It was probably why he was the Alpha. He wasn't afraid to question and bring things to light. I guess I understand why he would be so curious this time.

''I was created by the NWA, the National Werewolf Association. I was one of ten thousand created but only five survived. I was the first to find Aiden so the rest were...disposed of.'' I winced, Leon just nodded not wanting to interrupt so I would continue and I did.

''The family I was staying with were Aiden's real parents, but they... I guess in a way... adopted me as their own child? I never knew my real parents. I was made in a test tube for the best qualities; Smarts, strength, agility, looks and capability.Anything to get me further in life.

I had to 'befriend' Aiden and his family if necessary. Sneakily and strategically, I did just that. The innocence and believability of an 8 year old is amazing. I'm still astonished by it now. They invited me into their home and Aiden...Aiden was so attached to me and I... I was going to...'' I couldn't finish the sentence chocking back sobs.

''I was going to kill him! I was going to kill a 2 year old! An innocent boy! He did nothing to deserve it at all! He couldn't choose what he is! I'm not blood related to him but he is still my brother! I soon as I saw him smile at me with those bright blue innocent eyes shining with excitement through his white hair...I swore to protect him. Me, who was born to destroy him. I swore to protect him from everything, everyone and from his worst enemy; Himself.'' Leon dragged me into a hug and was patting my shaking body from crying.

''What is he Luna?''

I cried harder than ever, clutching onto Leon's shirt as if it could somehow fix the world.

''He didn't choose it.'' I shook my head.

''What is he?'' Leon was worried now, pulling my tear stained face up to look at his mixed with confusion and worry.

''Death itself. Aiden is the Angel of Death.''

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