Chapter 24-- He's Still Mine (cleaned)

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Aiden's POV

''We're here'' Ivy cheered and caught her breath.

I looked around and saw...nothing. Absolutely nothing. There was only snow and mountain. The Northern Kingdom always had snow no matter what season, but this is ridiculous.

Snow covered the rocks and ridges of the mountain face. It covered everything like a big thick, fluffy, soft looking blanket. It would be beautiful if I wasn't freezing my butt off.

''There's nothing here and it's freezing.'' I shivered, hugging myself as we walked closer to the distant rocks.

''That's because all you're wearing is jeans. Now hurry up.'' she huffed in annoyance as I slowly dragged myself closer to her remembering that Warren was the reason I had no shirt.

''Now who are the Northern Tribe and where are they?''

''They're a tribe of people closely related to my tribe before it was..'' she cleared her throat.

''They're more knowledgeable than my tribe was and very wise. They know all about descendants of dragon blood and Death Dealers.''

''Death Dealers?'' I stared at her and she froze in her tracks.

''Servants of the Angel of Death.'' she said, barely above a whisper.

''The Angel of Death? But I thought-''

''Let’s go.'' she cut me off hurriedly and continued walking.

I thought the Angel of Death was just a fairy-tale; The being that stole your life and collected your soul as you died and then you were shown the way to Heaven or Hell. If he is real, I really hope I go to Heaven. I hear Hell's hot and summer really isn't my favourite season.

''Loriena!'' Ivy called to nothing in particular.

I looked around at where we had stopped. We were in the middle of a couple of big rocks, dirt, snow and half frozen grass. Great. Ivy's lost he mind.

''Ivy. Are you sure-''

''Aunt Lorie!'' She called again a little more desperately.

''I know that voice!'' A woman rushed out of the rock looking tent and crash tackled Ivy to the ground.

The rocks...were tents. No wonder you couldn't see anything! But how they looked so real was beyond me.

''Aunt Lorie... This is Aiden. He's a wolf from the Eastern Kingdom.'' Ivy straightened out her rumpled singlet and shorts while gesturing to me with her head.

''The Eastern Kingdom? What's he doing here?'' The brunette woman turned to stare at me.

She looked in her late 20's maybe early thirties. She wasn't heavy on makeup but the way her fringe swept across her face made her eyes look shadowed enough.

‘‘He was taken by Ezra.'' Ivy growled.

''Come on guys. We need to get inside. Humans will climb this mountain today and I want to know how you got out.'' Loriena hurried us back into the rock looking tent.

Inside the tent was HUGE. It had several different pieces of fur covered couches and a king sized bed at the back accompanied by two mahogany bed side tables.

''Spells make it look smaller and more camouflaged on the outside.'' Ivy whispered in my ear.

''Ah'' I whispered back nodding my head in understanding.

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