Chapter 33-- Flame Of Hope (cleaned)

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Jayce’s POV



‘Mate’ My wolf howled to me but I could only crouch there and watch my mate’s quivering body lay on the ground.

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t act. I didn’t know what to do. My mind was spinning to the point that I could physically see my vision start to swirl.

‘’Is that-‘’

‘’Yes.’’ Rhyan nodded to Evan making him gasp and cover his mouth as tears sprung to his eyes.

‘’What are we-‘’

‘’Go and get Luna, Leon and the pack.’’ I commanded the twins and Evan looked hesitantly at me then shifted his eyes to Aiden before he nodded to me and went to leave still crouching low to the ground.

‘’Rhyan go with him.’’

‘’No. You can’t take them on yourself Jay you need help. Evan can handle himself.’’

‘’Jayce I’ll be fi-‘’

‘’No! It’s too dangerous for Evan to go wandering all the way back to the pack by himself.’’ I all but growled at the two as quietly as I could.

‘’And it’s too dangerous for you to take on them by yourself! What happens if you mess up or misjudge something and Aiden has to live with the fact that you got your stubborn self killed trying to save him!?’’ Evan tried not to shout but the frustration in his voice was clearly evident and I knew he would be screaming at me in less than a minute if I didn’t shut him up and get him gone.

‘’And imagine if I was to let you go by yourself and you got your stubborn ass mauled by some rank old werewolf or vampire? Aiden would kill me, drag me back from the dead, then kill me again before doing the same to you for being so stubborn!’’ I could see Rhyan tensing at my words, the thought of his brother and mate dying clearly becoming evident in his eyes as he shuffled closer to Evan in a protective stance from nothing but moving shadows.

‘’Go.’’ I whispered.

Rhyan stared at me for a good few seconds before he saw the seriousness in my face and nodded his head in respect to my orders. Evan wasn’t so convinced and kept looking over his shoulder back at me as his mate was dragging him through the trees almost as fast as his human for could take him without losing his mate’s hand through the branches that slashed at their arms from running so fast in and out of the foliage.

When they were clearly out of sight and hearing distance I let out a breath of air and took in the deepest breath I could before releasing it again into the winter air. I stared at the foggy mist that released from my mouth before it faded and my eyes focussed on my mate on the ground.

Here goes nothing.

Luna’s POV


‘’We’ve received word that there are growing numbers of rogues on the border of the western kingdom.’’ A war wolf stood army style, his arms behind his back and his head held high as he relayed the information to Leon and myself.

‘’How many?’’ Leon stood from behind his desk and walked towards the buzz cut, built man complete with combat boots, camouflage trousers and jacket which had a tag that read P. Chapler.

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