Chapter 3-- Secrets (cleaned)

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''Mummy Where's Tay? I can’t find her anywhere. I even looked in the woods!'' I was so worried. I hadn’t seen her since she kissed me goodnight and went to her room.

''Aiden, she's gone away.''

''What? Where? When will she be back? Is she going to get my birthday present!?''

I was so excited. I was going to be five tomorrow. I'm going to catch up to Tay and be her big brother! Now I'm growing up, Tay won't have to take care of me, I will take care of her from now on.

''No Aiden she's gone.'' Her voice was nonchalant and had no pain unlike my voice that instantly strained and contracted inside my throat like sandpaper had been scratching at it for hours on end.

Tay never went anywhere without telling me! Me and Tay were best friends! She always says I'm going to be her furry white pillow forever!

''Where did she go!? Where's Tay!? I have to find Tay!''


I woke up to a crying mess of blackshoulder length hair.

''Taylar...'' I managed to choke out of my dry and scratchy throat.

''Yeah, baby it’s me, took you a while.'' I heard relief and sarcasm in her voice before I shot out of the bed.

''Taylar...Taylar...Taylar!'' I jumped onto the girl, sagging half my body as my legs remained on the bed and my arms firmly wrapped around my Taylar who welcomed by death hold.

''Haha, baby you haven't changed; still such a kid.'' She laughed shakily, still sobbing.

''You left Taylar! You left me! I was so alone. S-so alone...'' I choked on sobs desperately clinging to her, no chance of letting go.

There was a short silence before she choked back more sobs.

''Baby I'm sorry. I had to. I'm sorry.'' She started patting my head before there was a soft knock on the door.

''We need to talk.'' The Alpha gestured at Taylar.

As Taylar started pulling away I clung on tighter. I won't let her go. Never again. To relive the pain of never having any way of keeping her by my side, it was unimaginable, inconceivable, and in no way, shape or form going to ever happen again.

''No! Don't go!''

''Honey I'll be right back I'm just talking to-''

''No!'' I cut her off, gripping her tighter -if possible- before someone laid their hand on my back and my arms immediately felt lifeless as if all my energy and reason had been focussed on the hand and not my sister.


I turned to find a man with tanned skin and short cut black hair standing by my side, his large hand resting on my shoulder blade. He looked familiar but I couldn't place him. My mind was such a blank just looking at him. My mind couldn’t even register his features before I was brought back to reality.

''Aiden this is Jayce. He'll stay here with you until I get back. I'll just talk to Leon for a while but I will be back soon, I promise.'' She let go of my hands and walked out of the room glancing back before she completely left the room.

The man I know now as Jayce just stared at me as I crawled back into the bed properly and sat cross legged leaning against the wooden head board.

Silence fell and to say it was uncomfortable was an undeniable understatement. He just kept staring at me. It was almost a calculating stare, as if he was trying to figure me out but not wanting to do so at the same time.Weird guy.

''Who are you?'' I asked trying to break the silence although I already knew his name.


His voice was so heavenly. It wasn't extremely deep but it wasn't high; it was just perfect. His looks were nothing to joke about too. He had black short hair, muscle, but not that disgusting overly muscular kind of muscle that obsessed body builders have, and ocean blue eyes that seemed strangely familiar.

''Have I met you before?''

''Yes. I caught you sneaking around during our hunt in the woods.''

''Oh! The blue tinted wolf! You are pretty big even in human form. Why is your wolf so big? I've never seen a wolf as big as you.''

After saying it I realised how sexual it could have sounded and I instantly regretted my choice of words but he didn't seem to catch on and continued answering my questions as I asked them.

''It runs in the pack, though the Alpha and I are larger than the rest of our pack.''

''Why you?''

''I'm the Alpha's Beta. Not that being larger is a choice or the reason I was trusted with the title, but it's a welcomed advantage over the rest of the pack.’’

I thought for a while and that seems logical that the Beta and the Alpha would be larger and stronger than the rest of the pack. Not too hard to understand.

Taylar's POV~

''He doesn't know and I would like to keep it like that.'' I softly demanded of my mate.

''He should know the truth. He thinks you abandoned him.'' He tried to reason but I wouldn't have it.

''No. What he believes is much better... for the both of us.'' I said looking around the corner at the room my precious little brother was staying in.

''He'll find out eventually but I understand. I won't tell him.'' Leon then wrapped me into a tight embrace and I sighed in content as his warmth encased me in its usual familiar hold.

My life was now perfect. I had a new life, a mate, I was an alpha female and now my baby brother who I believed to be dead 10 years ago was here with me now where he belonged. He always belonged with me.

I wonder how his life was after I was rescued by Leon? I wonder if he lived happily, I wonder why he was rogue, and I wonder why Leon is laughing.

''What?'' I scowled.

''You look deep in thought. I don't blame you but your little brother is alive and well. Go be with him before Jayce has him attached like a little puppywho lost its mother.'' Leon said rolling his eyes.

It was true. Both parts unfortunately, Jayce did have that effect much to his discomfort and I do have my brother back. I should be his big sister and make up for the last 10 years. Though that would have to start tomorrow because I can almost hear his stomach growling from down the hall without the use of my wolf hearing.



Hi guys! Thank you so much to everyone that is reading this book. I honestly didn't think it would get so many views in such a short time ;oo

Anyways I just wanted to leave a little message here asking what you all think of the book so far? I love to see comments and likes so could you please give me your feedback? ^^ 

Also I dedicated this chapter to  yunessa12 for fanning me you guys should go check out their books ^^

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