Chapter 11-- Alone (cleaned)

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Aiden POV;;



''Aiden. Wake up.'' A soft voice filled my ears waking me from the silence of a dark world I had become used to.

I opened my groggy eyes to be met with the strange girl that visited me in the forest.

I looked around the room but wasn't in my warm and comfortable bedroom in Luna and Leon's house. No. This place looked horrible and cold. There was nothing but cold, wet walls with shackled and chains bolted into them. The walls had now been overrun with moss and vines as though it had been left to rot for centuries. It smelled of nothing but mould and mildew.

''Where am I?'' I asked the girl hovering over me.


I looked down at my leg, now sitting up, and saw the metal wrapped around my battered and bruised ankle.

''What's going on!?'' I asked her, pulling on the chain that was firmly bolted to the wall.

''I'm so sorry Aiden.''

''You! How do you know my name!? You came to me before!''

''I'm sorry. I tried to warn you but it was too late-'' I cut her off.

''Warn me from what!? Why am I here!?'' I yelled.

''I...She wants-'' She was cut off by a concrete door screeching and scratching against the rock walls and floor as it slid across the ground creating an opening large enough fortwo people to fit through.

''Ah you're awake. Good job Ivana.'' A tall pale woman in all black stalked over to us.

She looked sickly pale and supermodel thin. Her cheekbones stuck out inhumanly which matched her black as night eyes; there was no white, just darkness and I could tell it was just her eyes that held darkness.

''What do you want with me?'' I asked, my throat now painfully dry.

''Oh my dear boy.'' She leaned in front of me, making me inch back at the malicious and playful look on her once emotionless face.

''I want power and you're going to give it to me.''

''How do you intend to get power through me? I'm rogue. I'm of no importance to anyone.'' Ivana rested her hand on top of my arm reassuringly as I spoke.

''Oh? You don't know what you are, do you?'' She was amused and giggling.

Her giggle sent shivers down my spine in the most wicked way imaginable. What did she mean 'what I am''? Is it because I'm a pure white wolf? How could she know that?

''Didn't you ever wonder why your wolf has that blue crescent on its face?'' She pointed to the right side of my face and I widened my eyes.

''Ah so you have thought about it?''

I have thought about it. I've never seen another wolf with one. I was born with a blue crescent outside my wolf's eye on the right side. I never got a chance to ask anyone. I was too little to know I was different as a kid and I only changed with Luna.

''Just like Ivana..'' She motioned to the girl beside me.

''..You were born to destroy.'' 

I looked at her in disbelief shaking my head. Ivana small hand squeezed my arm softly and I looked to her face. It was full of sympathy. She lowered her head nodding to the creature’s statement.

''No'' I whispered.

''Yes.'' I kept shaking my head.

''But unlike Ivana...You were born to die for the benefit of whoever wants to use you. You're a mere tool for my use; to serve, to cause pain, to unleash Hell on Earth and to do it alone.

Not loved,

Not wanted,





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