Chapter 25-- It's Not Over (cleaned)

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Aiden’s POV

'' Seb come here'' I called him over from the ground of our temporary tent.

Seb just looked up at me and then around searching the room before his head tilted back in my direction.

''Come up on the bed. You spent all night down there.'' I starred at the small puppy as he shook his head and fell back asleep on the ground.

I sighed.

It was now the morning after I had gotten Seb and he was always on high alert and never acted like a pup usually did. I wonder how old he is, I'll have to ask the Elder.

I sat up in the small fur covered bed and rubbed my sleepy eyes. The sun was up and I could hear people outside. I guess it's time for me to get up too.

Changing into my newly washed black jeans, white shirt and black jacket, I snuck out of the tent trying not to wake up Seb.

What a failed attempt.

As per usual, Seb came trotting out of the tent behind me and into the cold snow never leaving my side.

''Aiden! '' Ivana jogged over waving her hand back at a young man and woman.

'' How'd you sleep?''

‘’ Good, how Seb slept outside of the blankets though I will never know. I leant down and ran my fingers through his short fur on his head feeling him nuzzle against my hand.

‘’We’re leaving today.’’

‘’ Really? ’’ I shot up and stared at her.

‘’ Yeah. After we eat we’ll get our stuff and then head back towards the fire. We should meet up with Jayce along the way.’’ She smiled and pat my shoulder.

‘’ Thank you so much Ivana. You know you can stay here. This is your family after all.’’

‘’Pft. They’re no fun. And who would protect you?’’ She laughed.

‘’I am wearing my big boy pants you know, I survived a long time on my own so I’m sure I can do it on my own for a couple of hours.’’

‘’That was before people knew what you were …and before you had to start worrying about Cerberus.’’

‘’Seb.’’ I corrected and Seb growled at Ivana as if to say he was capable of taking care of me.

Ivana smirked at him and bent down to mess up his fur horribly, earning her another growl and whine.

‘’Geez Ivy. You messed up his hot ‘just got out of bed’ look.’’ I pouted as she laughed.

‘’I’ll give him a comb over next time.’’

‘’Oh dear God.’’ I looked at her horrified.

‘’ Ivana. Breakfast is in the dining hall and your supplies are ready with Loreina.’’ The young woman from earlier informed us, shortly followed by the young man coming up behind her.

‘’Aid. You go ahead and eat. I’ll be with Loreina getting our stuff.’’ She smiled and waved at me goodbye, leaving me with the woman and man.

‘’Hi. My name’s Sam and this is Jeff.’’ The woman chirped happily, gesturing to herself and then Jeff.

I looked over the two and they looked like siblings, Jeff being a few years older. Sam and Jeff shared the same dark brown hair and brown eyes, slim bodies and both tall. Jeff was a little taller than Sam and definitely didn’t look like a Jeff. I always imagined an old guy when someone ever mentioned the name Jeff.

‘’Aiden.’’ I shook both their hands and they lead me to the dining hall.

We arrived at the large camouflaged tent known as the ‘dining hall’. There were three rows of 20 seater tables that they probably didn’t need being as small a tribe as they were.

We dug into our pancakes and bacon, making small talk every now and then until loud screams and shouts were heard from outside followed by the shadows of flames dancing on the outside of the tent.

‘’Jeff, go and find Paige. I’ll take Aiden to Loreina. HURRY!’’ She screamed as Jeff ran out of the tent unleashing the roars of more children and adult’s wails as the curtains parted giving us a view of the horrors outside.

There were flames engulfing the few trees there were and the tents were ablaze as mothers and children ran screaming in every direction. The men were trying to put the flames out but it looks like the flames weren’t an accident when a pack of rogues moved in and started attacking the people one by one.

The view was short lived as the curtain fell in place again and my shivering body was hoisted from my seat by Sam.

‘’Aiden! We have to get you to Loreina!’’ She yelled over the cries and I just starred at her, too scared to move.

The dining hall had cleared of people helping the others and all that stood in here was Sam and me in the middle of it, surrounded by deafening screams, wails, pleas of the Northern Tribe and growls, yips and howls of the attackers.

It was Ezra. It had to be her. No other rogues worked together like that or moved it packs. She was here for us. For me.

‘’Aiden! ’’ Sam shook me.

‘’O-okay’’ I stuttered out before we went out the back of the tent and on our way to Loreina’s tent.

We were running in and out of boulders when three rogues surrounded us. We were trapped. Two rogues in front of us, one to the back of us and boulders on every other side. The saying ‘trapped between a rock and a hard place’ couldn’t be more fitting to our situation right now.

Seb growled viciously from my side and then started to reduce the space between him and my leg taking on a protective stance. The rogues let show their wolfish smirks and barks at the pup beside my feet as a few more rogues found their way to join the ‘fun’.

‘There was no way we were getting out of this one.’ Sam and I both thought before we heard the snapping and breaking of bones and the rumble of a terrifying growl beside me.

I looked down for Seb but all I saw was a mass of black fur and a giant paw beside me. Seb had changed, and he was big.




You guys didn’t think you’d never see Ezra again did you!? Well if you did you’re silly! I’m not THAT nice of an author haha. Sorry for the slow update and I won’t be posting for maybe two weeks after this one. I have five assignments so don’t kill me or my teachers will.





Ps. I made this for you guys ->         <-> 

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