Chapter 18-- Tree House (cleaned)

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Jayce's POV

''The tracks are gone.''

''What do you mean they're gone!?'' Evan yelled at Rhyan.

''It rained last night so they're gone.'' Rhyan stood from crouching in the mud searching for the paw prints that were there last night.

I rubbed my face frustrated while Evan ran around looking for any signs of anyone being here. We were all exhausted. We haven't slept since we left and we have been walking for over 25 hours now without taking even a thought for a break.

''Jay you don't look so good.'' Rhyan grabbed my shoulders to stabilise my swaying body.

Everything was getting fuzzy. My vision was blurring, my body felt heavy and ached all over. What's going on? I grabbed my head with one hand and my ribs with the other. Dam I didn't even remember how hurt I still was from being in Aiden's body or whatever it was. I guess I didn't have time to think about it before.

''Evan go find some food. He hasn't eaten more than a sandwich for days.'' Rhyan ordered and Evan ran off into the shrubs.

''Buddy, stay awake. We need to get some food in you. Come sit down.'' He stared at me dead in the yes and helped me to sit on a fallen tree.

''I'm just tired.'' I breathed, my body swaying and my head falling onto Rhyan's shoulder.

''Yeah I know. You need to eat first though, then you can sleep.'' He pat my head but then took his hand off and shoved me to look at him.

''Dammit Jay! Your head's bleeding again. Why'd you take your bandages off?''

''Sorry.'' I muttered

''Geez. Start taking care of yourself. Evan!''

There was a rustling in the trees and then Evan emerged with a leaf full of different coloured berries. Thank god he didn't get some kind of worms and grubs. The guy was in love with The Lion King so much that it wouldn't surprise me if he came out with a log full of bugs singing HakunaMatata.

''Here. I got as much as I could.'' He was huffing obviously from running around.

Rhyan and Evan are so caring. When Luna and Leon brought them back to the main house a year ago I honestly thought they would be super quiet and keep to themselves like an omega from how they were treated. How wrong was I? They were anything but quiet. They're always so noisy and in everyone's business but it's a good thing when you needed someone. I wouldn't have them any other way. I smiled and felt my eyes grow heavy.

''Hey, Jay. Stay awake buddy you gotta eat and get your head bandaged.''

''Jaycen Alexander Anders!! I just picked all those God damn berries so keep your Beta butt awake!'' Evan playfully slapped my cheek but I could tell he spent time picking through the poisonous berries to find edible ones.

I grinned sheepishly and let the darkness slowly start to take my consciousness away from me.

''Bring him here.'' A foreign female voice called before I completely submerged into a dreamless sleep.


I could feel myself stirring awake to incoherent mumbling. Geez you can't get two minutes of sleep anywhere with Rhyan and Evan around. I opened my eyes and found myself in what looked like the insides of a...tree? I was on a bed surrounded by fur blankets. Probably wolf fur.Ew. I jumped out of it feeling fully refreshed now and made my way through the tree house. I knew of people living in trees on the branches to be off the ground but never inside and actual tree. It felt like it went on forever until I finally heard the voices getting closer and louder.

I could clearly make out Rhyan's loud voice. Evan was quieter but I could still tell it was him but I couldn't make out the third voice. I sniffed the air and could smell my pack mates but no other scent other than the forest around us. Strange. I pushed open the door made of branches slowly and all heads turned to me. Rhyan looked happy to see me up and moving, Evan looked ecstatic jumping in his comfy looking seat and then there was a woman. She looked strangely familiar but I couldn't place her. Maybe I knew a family member?

The woman looked around 25, dark brown hair, amber eyes, olive skin and she had a strong and wise feeling aura. It was starting to eat at me that I couldn't place a name to her face.

''Jay this woman is Helina. She found us when you blacked out and she healed you.'' Rhyan said, standing from his spot on the sofa next to Evan and pushed me down to take it.

''Healed me? Who are you?'' I sat on the couch and stared at Helina.

''Yes,'' She put down a cup she was holding and moved closer to the edge of her seat, leaning over a small coffee table made of branches that was separating us.

''I'm from an ancient tribe in the Northern Kingdom. Sadly that tribe was...destroyed. I only barely got out myself with the help of a stranger. He owned this place and taught me all I know about healing and hiding. He passed away a few weeks ago. I've been living here with him for nine years now and he left everything to me. You wolves are from the Eastern Kingdom aren't you?''

''Yes we are. Why?'' I nodded taking her story in.

''I need your help. I'm looking for someone.'' She turned serious all of a sudden but I could see her pleading in her eyes. She must really need this.

''Who're you looking for?'' Evan cut in, looking completely serious like he was solving some unsolvable mystery case.

''My little brother.''



Aiden to the side >>>> It was kind of a toss up between four pics and my cousin said she liked him so I just went with it. If you don't think he fits being Aiden let me know guys. I love hearing feedback ^^

Also I wanted to ask... Do you like it better when I do whole chapter POV's or how I used to do them with several POV's in one? Let me know ^^

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