Chapter 19-- With My Little Eye (cleaned)

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Aiden's POV

''Ivy. Do you even know where you are going?''

''Hmm no''

''Then why are we walking this way!? What if we're getting further away from the Eastern Kingdom!?'' I whined stopping in my tracks.

She sighed and turned around walking towards me. She pointed to the sun then a tree to my left. What the heck was that supposed to mean!? She must have seen the confusion etched on my face because she sighed over dramatically and faced me straight forward towards the sun.

''The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.'' She turned me to the tree she had pointed at.

''Moss grows on the north side of trees.''

''Wow you’re pretty smart. Is that stuff true!?'' I ran to the mossy trees and smiled.

''Yes now if we continue east we will eventually reach the Eastern Kingdom. Once we get there the pack should smell me -an intruder- and come after us. Or you know, they could smell you and be kind about it. Depends on who sniffs us out first.'' She continued walking east and I ran after her.


''So Ivy. What happened to Warren?'' I asked quietly.

It felt like a taboo subject for some reason. I felt like I really shouldn't ask. I didn't want to find out the truth but I know deep down it was important. I knew I needed to find out. I also knew it was probably me that caused it.

''That was all you.'' She confirmed.

''You know what I am....don't you?'' I looked to her and she nodded, not taking her eyes off the surrounding trees and shrubs.

''Can you tell me?''


''Why not!?'' I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at the back of her head.

''Look. Aiden. You should ask your sister. She knows a lot more than what she lets on. I'm surprised she never told you but I can understand why she wouldn't tell you considering what she is.'' She wrapped an arm around a tree and turned back to look at me.

''What do you mean? What is she? Is she the same as me?''

''No. Aiden, no one is like you. You're rare. Special. Don't let anyone take advantage of you and don't trust anyone. Trust will get you killed, or worse, used.'' She spun around and kept walking her path.

''How is being used worse than being dead? And can you tell me what I asked? What is Luna?'' I ran up to her, grabbing her arm to make her spin around and face me again.

''She's an assassin Aiden. She was created not born.''

''What do you mean?'' I stared at her dumbfounded.

‘’Everyone was born and Luna's never even looked at a fly bad. How could she possibly be an assassin?’’ I shook my head and stared at Ivana's arms.

''Aid. She was made in a test tube. She was made to kill....a certain person.'' She put her hands on my shoulders trying to comfort me but I shook her off.

''To kill who!? My mum carried her in her stomach for nine months! She's my sister. How could you even say stuff like that?'' I looked at her in disbelief.

''Well believe me or not Aiden. It doesn't bother me either way but I have a debt to repay you for as long as I live and I will repay it.'' She stared down dead in my eyes showing her determination to fulfil her debt.

''You don't need to repay me for anything. I didn't save your sister so you should go find her and repay it to whoever did save her.''

''I will find her one day but that wolf isn't alive anymore. I love her to bits but she doesn't need the drama I'm in right now. I've waited nine years....I can wait a little longer.'' She smiled sadly.

''Come on Aiden. Let’s get going before it starts raining again or rogues catch up to us.'' She grabbed my hand in hers and we continued walking.


''I spy with my little eye...something beginning with.... S!''


''Nope!'' she popped the 'p'.


''Nah ah''


''Dammit!'' she whined while I cheered.

We started playing 'I Spy' around half an hour ago. Seeing similar trees and hearing the same birds chirping and whistling starts to drive you crazy after too long. So 'I Spy' was our escape.

'' I spy with my little eye--''


''Shh.'' Ivana grabbed me and shoved me to the ground.


''Stay really quiet.'' Ivana whispered, placing her finger over her lips in a 'shh' motion.


''Oh wow.'' I got up and burst out laughing.

''Shut up! You never know!'' Ivana went red with embarrassment.

''Yeah. Attack of the killer bunny! Oh it's a forest critter! Save me! It’ssooooohugggee!'' I laughed so hard I was bending over crying.


''Oh noes! It's another one!'' I jumped around the shrubs looking for our noisy pocket pal.

''Aiden stop.'' Ivy whined.

''Oh come on! It was funny! Come here bun--'' I was cut off by a growl.

''With my little eye, I spy a cute little wolf too far from home.''

''Oh shit. Ivy. That's not a bunny.''



So guys I did end up changing the person playing Aiden if you saw it before. I changed it to the original guy that I had playing him.  So go take another look. I dont wanna keep the old picture up or I might confuse everyone >.<

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