Chapter 21-- The Familiar Scent (cleaned)

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Luna's POV

''Let me get this straight.'' I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

''You thought it was alright to leave your post without changing over with someone else, letting our only lead to my brother's where abouts escape somehow?''

''I'm sorry Alpha. I thought Jae could handle it by himself seeing as everything is high security inside.'' Max kept his head lowly bowed, not daring to move an inch from his one knee, head down bow.

''And now Jae is dead?''

''Alpha.'' He nodded.

''The healers got there too late. I'm immensely sorry Alpha.''

I growled in frustration and left the living room heading to Leon's office. 

Last night Jae, one of the guards to our downstairs cells, was found dead by Max, the other guard who had the audacity to leave his post without changing shifts with another guard.

''Leon!'' I burst through his office door.

''Luna.'' he nodded to the seat in front of his desk, not taking his eyes off his paperwork.

''Big Brother and Little Brother are gone.'' I slammed my fists on his desk completely ignoring his gesture to sit.

''I know. I have scouts looking for them but they aren't in the Eastern Kingdom anymore. Once they cross out of the Central Kingdom I can't do anything. Our land truce only goes as far as the Central.'' He stood and leaned on his desk.

''Alpha!'' A head scout burst through the door, momentarily looking at me before Leon nodded.

''Big Brother has been found.''

''Where is he?'' Leon's deep voice moved throughout the silence.

''In pieces in the Central Kingdom bordering the Western.''

''His Little Brother?'' I cut in.

''Nowhere to be found.'' He slightly lowered his head in shame.

''Any tracks?'' Leon asked.

''Sir.Three wolves and one human heading west crossing the border.''

''Thank you. You're dismissed.'' Leon nodded and the scout bowed to both of us before leaving.

''Do you think it's them?'' I turned to Leon.

''If they were escaping Big Brother none of them would have stayed human so it was probably someone else. The warriors can't go any further west so send the scouts south but don't let them cross the border.''

''Okay.'' I nodded heading after the scouter.

Please be okay Aiden.

Jayce's Wolf's POV 

I looked at my masterpiece covering the forest floor. The body of what once was Big Brother now coated the forestry like a beautiful canvas that gets covered by an artist’s brush strokes of paint. Even draped in such a flattering red, he is still such an ugly bastard.

''Jayce, we have to go. I can hear wolves coming.'' Evan grabbed my scruff in his jaws and started dragging me away.

On a normal day I would have taken a nice chunk out of him for grabbing me like a pup but he was right. I pulled out of his mouth easily and ran alongside Rhyan and Evan still in their wolf forms too with Helina trailing behind us.

This girl is too slow. I skidded to a stop and laid down. Rhyan and Evan slowed and turned to face me quizzically until they unscrambled the annoyance lacing my face. Shaking their heads they walked towards me as Helina caught up huffing and puffing out of breath from her human lungs.

''What's going on?'' She asked through breaths.

''Get on.'' I growled.

''What?'' She looked taken back and looked to Rhyan and Evan for help. 

''His wolf's in control still.'' Rhyan sighed.

''His wolf is moody. Best to do what he says.'' Evan shook his head.

Helina climbed onto my back surprisingly feeling heavier than I thought she would. I stood and started walking before running at my top speed. She grabbed my fur tighter, matting her fingers between it making me growl for her to loosen which she did immediately.

It felt good to be running at this speed. Jayce hasn't let me fully out for a while and definitely hasn't let me feel this free in a long time. I could get used to this.

My happily free feeling was short lived. I caught the smell of what I've been searching for weeks for. The sweet smell of tropical fruit and vanilla filled every spore of my being and made my body shudder in the most pleasurable of ways.

''Mate.'' I whined.

There was something else I could smell though. Two more something’s to be exact. One smelled of rogue wolf and the other smelt like nothing I have smelt before but it didn't smell good mixing with the foul smell of a rouge. I had a bad feeling and I wasn't about to let my feeling turn into a reality.

' I'm taking back over' Jayce commanded with no room for me to argue back before he took control.

Aiden, we are coming.




Happy Easter guys I hope you had an amazing day. I thought it was a day worth updating for you ^^

C O M M E N T     V O T E    F O L L O W

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