Chapter 34-- My Love (cleaned)

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 Aiden's POV


There were too many of them. I could barely keep my eyes open as they tore and ripped at my fur and skin covered in red gashes all over. My muzzle was torn up, my legs were bitten and broken, my fur wasn't even noticeably white anymore as I whimpered and shook on the cold forest ground, my body barely able to start healing properly. The only noises I could now hear was the howling and yipping going on full of pride and happiness of the rogues around me.

Just as I was about to give into the darkness that was finally coming to me I heard the most melodic howl I could imagine to grace my sensitively lowered ears. It sounded like sprites dancing in the wind and galloping through my entire body before resonating and lingering on my heart. It was the sound of my mate calling for me.

Bodies being thrown and torn was surrounding me, the sound of low rumbling growls, high pitched yelps and helpless whimpers covered my own as I recounted how I got to this position.



'I won't let you give up' Three voices growled.

My wolf and my two Angels were weak from releasing so much energy within me over the last few days without much knowledge of what we were capable of. I could feel them practically dragging themselves to my aid within myself and they were so weak. So very weak.

My sister, my mate, my new family, my new pack needed me to keep going, to show them that all their sacrifices in having faith in me wasn't for nothing, that homing me and feeding me wasn't a waste of time. That letting me into their hearts no matter how small the time we had together, it wasn't just wasted space. I wasn't going to be a void in their life muscle. I was going to live and if I had to fight tooth and claw I was going to.

''Your time is done.'' Ezra's sickening voice vibrated off the trees and with the snap of her fingers the little girl that had led me through all the lies' head was in the jaws of a dirty, flea bitten rogue that was basically drooling at the taste and lingering smell of the red liquid pouring from the body the head had been ripped from.

I felt my body shake, contract and extend as the shift overcame me and I charged for anything and everything that came my way.

 End Flashbak


It was useless. There were too many for me and Seb. Seb had been thrown the dirt and ripped almost to death before he could even transform. His torn body lay in the dirt healing slowly but not fast enough and I felt like screaming at my mate to just leave me and save himself but I knew he couldn't. It was useless to try because even as I lay here bloodied, broken and bruised I still had the energy to get up and feel the crunch of bones beneath my canines as a rogue went to attack my beautiful mate from behind.

His swift movements and slick blue-black fur shone through the bland colours of the rogues and when his sapphire blue eyes met mine it gave me all the strength I needed to join him in battle but I wasn't expecting my next target to attack the rogues instead of myself.

More and more wolves piled into the clearing of trees but these weren't rogues. They didn't have the dull, coarse and unkept fur and eyes that came with the insanity of being a rogue. No, they were a pack and the sight of a once familiar black female wolf confirmed my idea that it was indeed the Eastern Pack.

There was no time for reunions as the battle went on for hours, wolf after wolf falling to the paws, claws and teeth of an enemy. I rarely saw a glimpse of Ezra's body as her speed sent her sailing through the pack and picking them off two by two when she felt they were worthy of her time and not cutting into her casual façade of looking at her nails as if this was the most boring occurrence in her life that she had to endure.

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