Chapter 27-- Our Bond Is Weakening, Goodbye Mate? (cleaned)

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Aiden POV



‘’Hm?’’ Ivana answered half asleep.

‘’Can you let me see Jayce?’’

‘’What do you mean?’’ She sat up rubbing her eyes and looking over at me softly stroking Seb’s fur.

‘’Well when you… After you let Jayce see what I saw and feel what I felt, we both met in this place…’’ I tried looking for the right words to describe where we were.

‘’I don’t understand. What place?’’

‘’ When I was in my coma from you I was there too. It’s like complete darkness and there was only my wolf. But when I was blacked out in the cave I was there again but Jayce and his wolf were too. He said he’s been there a lot but his was a forest and it never had the blackness and when I was there last there was never a forest.’’ My eyes drifted to the small girl on the other side of Ivana before turning my gaze back to her calculating eyes.

‘’It could be a dreamscape I guess. I don’t know how I did it though.’’

‘’Can you just try putting me back in the coma I--‘’

‘’No.’’ She cut me off straight away.

‘’Please Ivana I need to see him.’’

I tried not to sound pathetic in my attempts but I was desperate. I needed the comforting warmth of my mate whether it’s in a ‘dreamscape’ or real life. I could feel our bond disintegrating every day. It was getting weaker and I didn’t want to lose it. Not when we wanted each other so bad. Not when I finally got something good.

‘’Fine. Lay down.’’ She sighed and rubbed her face, slowly making her way over to me and moving Seb away only for him to climb straight back into my lap.

I smiled up at her before I laid back into the forest floor and closed my eyes.

Jayce’s POV ( oh my cheese sticks it’s been so long! )

I looked around The Land Of Memories and thought about how lonely it truly felt.

‘’You’re making me depressed’’ My wolf growled, resting his head on his front legs and his paws slightly touching the water of the river that flowed throughout the forest.

‘’ Depressed doesn’t even begin to explain what we’re feeling.’’ I shot back glaring at his carefree nature.

Knowing his nature is my nature only made me angrier. The bond was weakening. I could feel him slipping away and it didn’t sit well with me. Hell. If the feeling was on Pluto it still wouldn’t sit well with me.

‘’ I can feel him. He wants to see us.’’

‘’I can feel it too so you don’t need to commentate.’’ I scoffed and walked over to a large tree.

‘’Aiden…’’ I whispered and rested against the tree.

‘’ Sh.’’  My wolf demanded and I turned to him about to rip him in half when he stood abruptly and walked towards the tree I was at.

‘’ What do you mean sh--‘’

‘’Shut up!’’

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