Chapter 30-- His Monsters (cleaned)

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‘’Avery.My baby brother.’’ The sobs became clear and my world stopped.


Jayce’s POV

‘’What’s going on?’’ I gratefully took the jeans Evan was handing to me and Rhyan, quickly slipping them on to cover myself from the two oblivious girls.

‘’You did it. You helped me find my brother.’’ Helena continued to cling to Ivana who was now standing around the camp fire we had made.

‘’I think you’re mistaken Helena.’’

‘’He may have grown but I know my brother like I know my flowers.’’ She stared at me disbelieving and I did have to hand it to her, she did know her flowers considering she healed me with a few.

‘’Helena I don’t mean to be rude but Ivana is a she not a he.’’

‘’Ivana? Avery what’s going on?’’ She turned her tear stained face back to the person in question.

‘’Ezra detests males. She uses them as her mere dogs and she didn’t want to be thankful to a male for bringing so much happiness to her when I caused pain.’’ Ivana or Avery said with a grimace.

‘’So, you’re a guy?’’ Rhyan broke the silence and stared at her/him.

‘’Of course he’s a boy!’’ Helena lifted Ivana’s shirt to reveal a flat chest.

‘’That doesn’t prove any-‘’ Rhyan was cut off by Helena abruptly pulling down Avery’s pants to reveal his manhood.

Evan quickly covered his eyes followed by Rhyan covering his mate’s hands and Avery’s face turned as red as a cherry as he swatted his sister’s hands away from his pants.

‘’Well this changes things.’’ I mumbled and caught the attention of everyone.

‘’How so?’’ Avery looked at me confused before I went up and punched him straight in the nose.

‘’That’s how.’’

‘’What do you think you’re doing!?’’ Helena screamed as she went and helped her brother off the ground with his hands on his bleeding nose.

‘’He’s the reason we’re in this mess! He could have easily helped us out when he was so casually forcing us all to shift back to human and not letting us save our mates! They almost got Evan because of him too!’’ I growled out ready to punch him again until Rhyan’s hand wrapped around my arm and held me back.

‘’Come on Jayce that’s enough. We have to keep our heads about this.’’

‘’Keep our heads? He’s the reason my mate is wandering around God only knows where! Aren’t you supposed to be with him?’’ Glaring over at the cowering figure with blood pouring from his nose he whimpered under my dominance.

‘’Jayce.’’ Evan came to my other side and let his hand rest on my shoulder.

‘’Maybe you should have taken better care of your mate and none of this would have had to happen.’’ Helena growled and I would have ripped her to pieces had Evan and Rhyan not held on to me so strongly.

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