Chapter 31-- No Amount Of Love Can Fix You (cleaned)

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Aiden’s POV


‘’Who does she think she is keeping me from my mate!?’’ I scoffed and shook my head furiously.

‘’She’s a bully and your smart for leaving her.’’ Paige nodded and gripped my hand tighter.

‘’She’s dragging me all over the place and always in the opposite direction of Jayce and where has that gotten us!? We have nothing but blood and death!’’

I immediately regret my words at the thought of Sam and Jeff being Paige’s parents. I looked over to the small girl and she looked at me curiously. Why wasn’t she sad? Why wasn’t she crying or hitting me or something. If Luna had something happen to her I don’t know what I’d do. I’d go on a rampage, kill anyone that said her name in any way no matter what age I was at the time.

‘’You’re really strong you know that Paige?’’


‘’You’ve been putting on a brave face even though your parents- I don’t know how I’d be able to cope.’’

‘’Well I have you now don’t I?’’ She smiled her toothy smile at me and I couldn’t help but let all the pain and anger leave me to smile back at the strong little girl.

‘’Do you want to take a break? I need to find us some food. I haven’t eaten in a while and I bet you didn’t eat much last night.’’ I stared at her knowingly and she nodded shyly.

‘’I am a little hungry and I have to go potty.’’

‘’Okay I’ll go hunt and you go potty.’’ I giggled at the childish name for the toilet, even though there wasn’t one out here.

‘’Okay! I’ll be back here soon.’’

‘’Don’t go too far!’’

‘’I won’t!’’

At that I walked through the forestry, past the small shrubs and branches only to find more. This place was like a maze but unlike mazes that made you frustrated, this one made me calm and I couldn’t help but to take my clothes off and shift into my wolf. It felt like it had been decades since I last shifted.

It might as well have been decades’ I thought as the calming feeling of my paws digging through the ground just to the savour texture made me almost moan and my head rose as I tried to hold back a howl of pure happiness and content.

When I was in my wolf form it was as close to my mate as I could get. Our bond amplified and even though it should hurt me more that I had the bond but didn’t have my mate, it made me feel just a little more complete, just a little more closer to him knowing we were fatally bound.

I took in a giant whiff of the air surrounding me. The sweet smell of wild flowers danced through my senses and engulfed me. I couldn’t help but take another one as the scent of pinecones and dirt swarmed me. It was a beautiful earthy smell, not like a dirt smell but an earthy one. It smelt like strength, freedom, happiness, if any of those could have an actual scent.


An hour later of enjoying my wolf form I shifted back finding my clothes and putting them on my body as the rabbit I caught dangled from my hands. I knew Paige wouldn’t enjoy knowing she was eating a bunny but I think she’d prefer it over Bambi any day.

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